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My Tetraodon Miurus (Congo Puffer)

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  • #76
    i is still doing ok tho?


    • #77
      Re: My Tetraodon Miurus (Congo Puffer)

      He was still the same when I left home at 1pm.


      • #78
        I just saw the thread. I had had some of these guys a long time ago. They live in really soft mud bottoms. I had a similar thing happen when I put lava rock in the tank. I salted the tank, and used metronidizole and heavy aeration- your targeting alot of the anerobic bacteria that really cause these wounds to get gangrenous. Put him in a bare bottom tank. Avoid any cooper based meds, scaless fish are very sensitive. Good luck!
        Emerald Green Rainbowfish
        Yellow Rabbit Snails


        • #79
          So sorry to see this thread take this turn. I hope he gets better soon, Sunny. Our GSPs act crazy sometimes and dart all over the place when they get spooked. They discolor & get mad when I do WCs or even rearrange their tanks. I used Mexican Beach Pebble to decorate. It's rounded so they can't hurt themselves. Picky little things. Just like women.
          180g - 2 Red Oscars, 1 Tiger Oscar, 1 JD, Convicts, convicts & more convicts
          75g - 1 Silver Aro, 1 Mean Koi Angel
          50g - Various platy & mollies
          10g - 1 Green Spotted Puffer


          • #80
            These guys do better in softer water where bacterial count is lower. It would be best to have at least a neutral pH, but lowering it fast can stress them out and kill them (personal experience). Mine alot better at pH 6.8 or so. They love live mysis and freshwater shrimp. I did make the mistake of putting 30 of small GSP in with them when I first got them. I guess they love GSP too.
            Emerald Green Rainbowfish
            Yellow Rabbit Snails


            • #81
              They are really fun to keep. Use play sand. bog wood, java fern and moss, and round boulders are great decor. Don't use coarse sand. They scrap up their bellies and faces. I made the mistake of putting lava rock boulders with java fern covering the top. One dug down and scrapped the top of his head and back. I isolated him in a bare tank (pH 6.8, added salt 1tsp to each gallon, heavy aeration, metro). After 24 hrs I did water changes, redosed with metro, no more salt. It took 3 weeks for him to recover.
              Emerald Green Rainbowfish
              Yellow Rabbit Snails


              • #82
                Thanks for the info and pep talk Dawn and black_knight.

                Yes, I will be removing all the sand from the tank next water change (Friday). I dozed Metro as black_knight suggested.

                Will be putting in PFS when he's back to normal.

                So far, he hasn't changed since the last time I check earlier today


                • #83
                  Oh and I have been aerating heavily since day 1


                  • #84
                    Sunny, if you're gonna be out my way this weekend I have a whole bag of the rock that I haven't opened. Bought too much & been too lazy to return it. You're more than welcome to it if you want to put some rocks on top of the PFS. I also still have all of the meds you gave me if you want to pick those up, too. We will be in San Antonio, but someone will be here all weekend if you're out this way.
                    180g - 2 Red Oscars, 1 Tiger Oscar, 1 JD, Convicts, convicts & more convicts
                    75g - 1 Silver Aro, 1 Mean Koi Angel
                    50g - Various platy & mollies
                    10g - 1 Green Spotted Puffer


                    • #85
                      Thank you Dawn, I'll let you know. Got a lot going on this weekend but I do have some meds to take care of him.


                      • #86
                        Good deal. You've got my number.
                        180g - 2 Red Oscars, 1 Tiger Oscar, 1 JD, Convicts, convicts & more convicts
                        75g - 1 Silver Aro, 1 Mean Koi Angel
                        50g - Various platy & mollies
                        10g - 1 Green Spotted Puffer


                        • #87
                          I've got Free Malaysian root for you. Perfect for puffer tanks. Sinks stright to the bottom, no water logging. I've had it for 10 years. Leaches very littkle tanins, but great for your puffer tank. No sharp edges. PM me if you want it.
                          Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                          Yellow Rabbit Snails


                          • #88
                            any update on the congo?


                            • #89
                              So it's been about a month now and Piglet is back to being his normal self, all wounds healed up nicely and he's getting a nice color. He has a tendency to watch the Petro. Trewavasae tank which sits 90 degrees from his tank. I appreciate all the input/advise/concern regarding Piglet's wellbeing.

                              D20_2424 (Large).jpg
                              Last edited by SunnyHouTX; 10-19-2012, 08:27 PM.


                              • #90
                                So glad to hear he's doing well, Sunny. Now stop doing silly things and scaring us to death, Piglet!!
                                "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde

