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MBU Puffer

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  • MBU Puffer

    Thinking about getting an mbu puffer for my 125. Of course it will get upgraded to my 240 once that's done. I currently have a colony of demasoni in the 125 and I'm wondering if it'll be a problem. IDK if the mbu will go to town on the demasoni or vice versa. Anyone ever kept those two together? I'd hate to drop the coin on a small mbu just to watch the tank destroy itself. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    20g mixed reef

  • #2
    I thought the MBU plays well with others? I know Fish Gallery has one in with cichlids in their big show tank. Where'd you find a small one and for how much? How many dems you got? Nice colony? I have a 150 with 70+.


    • #3
      My colony is small, maybe 10 adults and 5 juvies...
      20g mixed reef


      • #4
        Chris if u want a colony of adult dems let me know.
        210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
        125g Mdoka White Lip

        "Success is the willingness to fail"


        • #5
          I'm gonna text you moganman
          20g mixed reef


          • #6
            Well I decided to get one. I found out Adg had a few smaller ones that they have had for awhile. At first the demasoni didn't know what to think, now they seem used to him. Curious little guy...
            20g mixed reef


            • #7
              Originally posted by nightster View Post
              Well I decided to get one. I found out Adg had a few smaller ones that they have had for awhile. At first the demasoni didn't know what to think, now they seem used to him. Curious little guy...
              Nice! How much are they up there? This addition will be a sight to see if it works out... when MBU is grown.


              • #8
                I paid $160+tax, they have one more up there. Probably between 3.5"-4".
                20g mixed reef


                • #9
                  MBU, are one of my Would love to see pictures.
                  Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                  • #10
                    Yeah how's the mbu working out? Update


                    • #11
                      Ok, I can see a few nip spots from the demasoni. Once petco has their $1 per gallon they'll get their own 55g.
                      20g mixed reef


                      • #12
                        He always seems hungry and I gotta find something that'll wear down his beak and something he wants to eat. So far he has shown no interest in ramshorn snails.
                        20g mixed reef


                        • #13
                          And so far you have shown no interest in posting photos of the new and improved pufferman lol


                          • #14
                            Its true
                            20g mixed reef


                            • #15
                              I feed mine small portion everyday. He seems happier and more active this way. I tried every 3 days and he seems very grumpy.. Seems to be angry with me lol..

