This morning while feeding Elvis & the gang I got the shock of my life! My protein skimmer always goes nuts during feeding time. Probally because I soak their food in vitamins and garlic extreme. Not really sure if that's the cause or not. Anyway, I went to take the cups of my HOB protein skimmer and got "SHOCKED" 8O . I couldn't believe what I felt so I tried again. 8O :aua: Boy was that stupid! Then I took the flash light to see if there was any water running down to the surge protecters.
No, No water, nothings wet. Maybe it was imagination. So I carefull touched the cup again.... :doh: . Ouch! :furious: Ok, It is a shock and it only took me three times to figure it out. I turned off both surge protecters checked all plugs, nothings wet, emptied the cups, turned everything on, went to put the cups back in and "SHOCK!"
:bsoop: I really didn't think that through did I. Ok, try this one more time. Get the flash light :bscomehereyou: , start the search over, still don't see anything. Carefully touch the cup, no shock :think: , cafefully grab the cup to take it out and "SHOCK"
. Now I have come to a conclusion, if I'm wrong I will apologize to Elvis with a nice juicy mussel, but if I'm right no mussel for him for a week. :naughty: A few days ago after the tank break he was chewing on everything, freaking me out, making lot's of popping noises. Now I think he may have chewed on the wire that's inside the tank connected to the pumps on the hob protein skimmer, and this is why I keep getting shocked. I would :badsmiley: spank his little bottom but it's been too long and he wouldn't know why I was doing it. So tonight when I get home I now have the task of taking the protein skimmer out and inspecting the wire's for teeth marks. I really need to get an in sump skimmer. :?
BTW: Can anyone tell me how long your tank can run without a skimmer?

BTW: Can anyone tell me how long your tank can run without a skimmer?