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Annabelle's Story: Tapeworm

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  • Annabelle's Story: Tapeworm

    My fahaka puffer came in the mail. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to put her in her new tank. This is the puffer I waited
    so long for. I did all my research, my tank was ready, her food was purchased and I had IP meds. on hand. I put her in
    her new tank. She ate the very first day. She had a great appetite. No problem getting her to eat. I tried to treat her with
    prazipro, she refused any food soaked in the meds. I then soaked her food in geltek. She ate it. Not a problem. I treated
    her for 3 days. I was not really worried about IP's because her belly was not sunken in. It was nice and round even when
    I skipped a day or two of feeding. After 40 days in a quarantine tank I moved her into her permanent home.
    Once more I treated her again with food soaked in geltek. Again she ate well.

    About a month later she had an eye injury. One eye turned cloudy over night.
    I purchased melafix and pimafix to treat her eye. I treated her tank for 5 days. During this treatment she stopped
    eating. About a week went by and I noticed that her anus was staying open. This is a sign of constipation. I thought maybe
    the meds and the food strike may have given her the constipation. I decided that night to treat her tank with epsom salt. I then
    put a 1/2 dose in her tank. The next morning I noticed something white about 1/4" long coming out of anus. I looked her over
    really well not sure if this was IP's or not. I had already treated her twice for IP's so she shouldn't have any.
    I started to look over her belly and noticed that she had these odd lumps and they seem to have moved from one side
    of her belly to the middle then to the other side. I knew then she had IP's. I then added the next 1/2 dose of epsom salt.
    Within a few hours she had started to pass a tapeworm. Everything I have ever read and heard always said the puffer's
    belly will become emaciated not swollen and lumpy. This was not what I had been told time and time again.

    Even though I had treated her twice for IP's I decided to treat her tank. She was not eating so the tank had to be treated.
    I used prazipro for the tank treatment. I then added the next 1/2 dose of epsom salt. Within a few hours she had started
    to pass a tapeworm. I treated her tank for 3 days with prazipro and with epsom salt. On the 4th day I did a 50% water
    change. On the 5th day I started the treatment again. She was still passing tapeworm at this time. I wanted to make sure
    I got all of the tapeworm out of her before it caused more problems. On the 8th day I did another 50% water change. After
    approx. 24" of tapeworm had passed, it was believed that she had passed the head. On day 10 she had black pooh.

    Although what happened to my puffer is rare, it happened and I did not know the signs. If I had known what to look for I
    might have caught this sooner. This is not something that she caught in my tank. This is something she had long before
    she ever got to me. Now that I know she has had a tapeworm I will have to treat her every few months. Tapeworms lay eggs
    inside the host. There is no way to kill the eggs until they hatch. Once they hatch you can treat your puffer for IP's to kill
    the tapeworms before they get as big as the one she passed. I will have to treat her repeatedly for years, possibly for the rest
    of her life. I am still learning about tapeworms and how it may have affected my puffer. Many thanks to all the folks at the puffer
    forum for support and help getting Annabelle through this safely and quickly.
    A house without a puffer is not a Home.

  • #2
    Annabelle's first few days. Not a very good picture of her but look under
    her chin and around the belly area. The signs of tapeworm are there but
    I didn't not know to look for this.

    Here's a side view:
    A house without a puffer is not a Home.


    • #3
      The first day I noticed the worm after treating the tank with a half dose of epsom salt.

      Picture of her lumpy belly:

      After the worm moved to another area of her belly:
      A house without a puffer is not a Home.


      • #4
        your persistance and love for this puffer....has been such an inspiration to me...having just recently getting my own Fahaka....(RA)....he's such a joy for me.....and knowing how much you and Annabelle went thru has surely convinced me that i'm not crazy in the feeling that my little friend is also very dear to my heart.....and is worth efforts and sacrifices to keep him/them healthy and taken care of as they rely on us for that ......they are so precious and i personally thank you for sharing your story for all puffer owners to be inspired by the love you have for her....
        thank you so much.....and congrats on a success of determination and love for a little friend with fins and gills.....


        • #5
          A few hours after treating with the second half dose of epsom salt.

          Another good look at the before picture.

          A house without a puffer is not a Home.


          • #6
            Thanks fishlady. We are not out of the woods yet. She's sitll not eating but I wanted to share the pictures and her story. Hopefully this will help
            others along the way to a healthy happy puffer.
            A house without a puffer is not a Home.


            • #7
              well i hope that she starts eating for you soon.....i'll keep good thoughts going her and your way......


              • #8
                Wow.. what a sad story to hear about Annabelle. I hope she recovers 100% quickly and becomes fat and happy :) :) :) She looks so cute, and after seeing the pictures of FL's RA burrowing into the sand, I too, am thinking at some point in the future, a puffer will have to be introduced to my house :)

                What fish do Jesper have
                180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                58 S. Decorus

                "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                • #9
                  Annabelle does that to me. She likes to play hide n seek. She hides I seek.
                  The first time she did this it took me more than 20 min. to find her. After that I knew where she was. She would always hide by the log. Then one day I looked for almost 30min. I couldn't find her anywhere. I started to worry. Then I had another look and she was right in the front of the tank.
                  This was a first. She can be so sneaky.

                  A house without a puffer is not a Home.


                  • #10
                    that is sooooo cute......
                    ya just gotta love these little precious life forms.....


                    • #11
                      What a story!!

                      Wow! Your puffer is absolutely adorable, and I just want to commend you on your efforts and care. Thank you for sharing all the pictures, too- I'm sure they will help someone in the future identify the worms (but eeewwwww, the one with the worm coming out is so GRO-OSSS! lol)

                      I'm convinced more and more every day to get a puffer :)


                      • #12
                        My original post has been known to gross out lot's of people. I have some pictures that are worse than that. I just didn't post them here.

                        It's not for a weak stomach.
                        The first few days I was gagging myself.
                        A house without a puffer is not a Home.


                        • #13
                          It truly is amazing though, to watch the process of getting rid of that worm. How nasty that critter is! I hope your puffer sees many many happy days to come :)


                          • #14
                            How is she doing?
                            Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                            • #15
                              She hasn't eaten in at least two weeks. I lost count. I did force feed her one day and got a little in her. I have finquel coming in on friday, if she dosen't start to eat by then I will put her under and tube feed her.
                              I picked up some ghost shrimp today and she's been chasing them around
                              the tank. I haven't see her eat any. She's showing intrest in the shrimp and the guppies that are in her tank but she won't eat anything I try to feed her. She's even blowing sand around looking for snails. I'll keep trying until friday and take it from there.
                              A house without a puffer is not a Home.

