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Angel Eggs

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  • #76
    Re: Angel Eggs

    Congrats! And way to go on having a pair that doesn't gobble up the eggs, or the wigglers, or the freeswimmers!! And only on their, what, 3rd try!? Pretty neat!



    • #77
      Re: Angel Eggs

      Any news?? Are they still doing well?
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #78
        Re: Angel Eggs

        I know Szid is out of town until tomorrow so we just have to be patient!


        • #79
          Re: Angel Eggs

          When I left for SA there were a couple of dozen, but when I returned there were none.  I'd like to take the easy way out and put the blame on my assistant fish keeper but that wouldn't be fair.  I'm not going back out of town until next year at the earliest, if at all, so I'll be here full time for the next spawn.
          Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


          • #80
            Re: Angel Eggs

            :(  Sorry about that. But, at least they made progress this time! Maybe next time will be it.  :)
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #81
              Re: Angel Eggs

              Szid, those parents are like naughty children - if you aren't around then they are up to no good. Now that "Mom" willl be in town more they might behave!  


              • #82
                Re: Angel Eggs

                Well, I'm back again and this time with a true success story.  I didn't want to post anything and jinx the batch of eggs until I was sure they would survive past the first free swimmers.  As you can see parents and fry are doing well.  I was concerned about the parents snacking on the wigglers so when some of the wigglers had fallen off the slate so I syphoned them out and put them in a 10 gallon by themselves.  I expected the disturbance to surely spook the parents into gobbling up the remaining wigglers but they maintained their composure and continued to care for the remaining wigglers.  Now, I have free swimmers, I mean really free swimming free swimmers with the parents and in the 10 gallon.
                Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                • #83
                  Re: Angel Eggs

                  Whoohoo!!! YIPPEE! :dance:  :clap:    :emtthumbs:  

                  I'm excited for you! (Can ya tell? )



                  • #84
                    Re: Angel Eggs


                    looks like they just needed to do some learning!
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #85
                      Re: Angel Eggs

                      They are behaving because you are at home! Good job Szid! Congratulations!  artyman: Here's a toast to the new babies.


                      • #86
                        Re: Angel Eggs

                        :dance:  Greatness! Can't wait to watch them grow up!
                        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                        • #87
                          Re: Angel Eggs

                          Nice Picture.  Have you been able to raise any of the previous fry?  I have a similar pair, smokey veil and silver veil.  The babies turned out to be smokeys, silvers, and golds, both standard and veiled.  Good luck with them.  

                          I have a batch of wigglers, two days old, right now.  The parents are both gold marbles.  Beautiful but will not raise the fry.  The father is the gold marble I had in the FOTAS show.  Hoping for a good batch with some Koi, too.  I've raised a couple of batches of fry from siblings of the parents and have Koi from those batches, too.  Hopefully, these will have more of the orange.

                          I think temperature is a big issue in getting the fry to hatch.  When I moved the eggs, I put them in a 6 gal tank with water from the tank the parents were in.   The 6 gal tank is on a high shelf and under a constant light so the temp dropped gradually from about 80 F to 76 F and is staying steady now.


                          • #88
                            Re: Angel Eggs

                            This is the first batch of fry I'm trying to actually raise.  I did remove the ones I left with the parents and put them in with their sibblings.  So far they seem to be doing okay.  I've been feeding microworms and vinegar eels, my BBS should be ready this afternoon.  My Mom was in the hospital for a few days so I wasn't able to start the BBS as soon as I should have.  I'm glad I had alternative foods available in the meantime.  They are all up and swimming in all different ranges of the tank.  Since they are free swimming I was wondering if I could put a small bristlenose in to keep the bottom clean?

                            I think I have some of your gold marbles from the auction the FOTAS weekend.  I only have four of them and so far none have paired off.
                            Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                            • #89
                              Re: Angel Eggs

                              Many people who raise angels do put little bn's in the bottom of the tank to keep bacterial slime from developing on the bottom. If you don't you will need to wipe down the bottom with a paper towel to get rid of it.



                              • #90
                                Re: Angel Eggs

                                Thanks Ellen, that's what I thought but wanted to be sure.  Since this is a new experience for me I'm sure I'll make some mistakes along the way.  But, like the parents, I'll finally get it right.  I've been wiping down the bottom and sides myself when I do water changes.
                                Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...

