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Angel Eggs

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  • #91
    Re: Angel Eggs

    After the fry are free swimming, I've used a few small snails to do clean up.  If your grow out tank is under a light, your slime may turn to green algae on the sides.  The fry like to pick at the algae, so I leave it.  

    I usually siphon about a third to a half of the water each day, once they are free swimming and eating brine shrimp.  About an hour or two after the afternoon feeding, once I start seeing little bulging pink bellies, I will siphon up any debrie, dead brine shrimp, etc. from the bottom and maybe clean the front pane of the tank so that I can see the fry.  I usually siphon into a bucket because I know I'm going to get a few of the babies as well.  That way I can fish them out of the bucket before I throw out the water.  Also, I use aged water from a tank that is near the temperature of the fry tank to replace the water, especially at this time of year.

    One trick I've learned is to use about 1 & 1/2 teaspoon of salt per gallon of replacement water once the fry are free swimming. The salt needs to be well mixed into the water before putting the water back in the fry tank.  Brine shrimp will live longer in this slightly saline water and so there is less chance of fouling the water.  I've also heard that the salt encourages the slime coating on the fry and reduces possible diseases.  I picked up this trick from a member of the Killifish club, Marty Fischer.  It works well on Notho and other Killifish fry.


    • #92
      Re: Angel Eggs


      Missed the question on the juveniles at the FOTAS auction.  They are around 7 months old now and although I have heard of Angels pairing off at around 6 months, they are still pretty young yet.  I had the parents for about nine months before they paired off and they must have been at least 3 months old when I got them.  The pair that produced my current fry did not mature as fast as the parents of your gold marbles.  I would say that your gold marbles should start to show signs of maturing at about a year old but may not until they are about 18 months old.  Out of 4 fish, you should get at least one pair.  

      If you mate two of these gold marbles you should get gold marbles, golds and possibly some Koi.  Both of the parents carried a stripeless gene, as I did get some Koi from that batch of fry.  Koi are gold marbles with two stripeless genes.  So probably at least two of the four gold marbles have a stripeless gene, 67% probability after you remove the Koi from the mix.

      I was also told when I bought my gold marbles that they carried a pearlscale gene as well.  But I have not seen pearlscales in any fry to date.  Pearlscale is also a recessive gene and an angel must have two pearlscale genes for it to appear.  I've been told that the gene may not be expressed until the fish are over 6 months old.  I don't think you will see pearlscales though, as I haven't either.


      • #93
        Re: Angel Eggs

        My wigglers are starting to swim.  It's always fun to see that happen.  How are yours doing?

        And how is your Mom doing?


        • #94
          Re: Angel Eggs

          My wigglers are starting to swim.  It's always fun to see that happen.  How are yours doing?

          And how is your Mom doing?


          • #95
            Re: Angel Eggs

            Mine are doing okay,  I have lost some, I have about 40 or 50 left and they have great appetites.  I was kinda flying by the seat of my pants for the first couple of days and didn't really have anything down to a system, much less the proper food ready.  I've certainly learned a lot about BBS in the process. I have way more BBS than I need for the number of fry that I have so I've been feeding some of the excess to my Endler fry.  They act like little sharks the way they go after the BBS and I still have some left for my Cardinal Tetras who also go nuts over the BBS.  I have cut back on the number of eggs I use which is another part of my learning process along with how much to feed.  I wasn't really expecting all of the fry to survive with my inexperience but I've done better than I expected.  Meanwhile the parents [s:c8919d9f10]are ready to spawn [/s:c8919d9f10]  have spawned again and with the delay between spawing with their raising the other fry to free swimmers the female is really loaded with eggs.

            My Mom is doing better, we'll know more next week when the test results are in.  Fortunately she lives next door to me so I can keep a close eye on her.  Thanks for asking.

            I would like to have two of the gold marbles pair off.  If I don't end up with a pair I surely know where to get more  
            Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


            • #96
              Re: Angel Eggs

              Glad to hear your fry are doing well.  Most fish love BBS,  after the angel babies, they go to Brichardi tank as well as any that have small fish.  I also keep a 35 gal tank outside that I put all the leftover eggs and salt water.  I check the salinity to make sure it's between 1.018 and 1.030 but otherwise just dump the extras out there.  I get adult brine shrimp and it is a reserve for small BBS in case one of my BBS batches crashes.  Works pretty well most of the year and is too salty for the mosquitoes we have in the area.

              Glad to hear about your Mom.  Hope the tests are okay.

              LOL, do have lots of Gold Marbles.


              • #97
                Re: Angel Eggs

                Just an update.  My batch of gold marble fry are doing well.   However, in the meantime the parents had another batch of eggs and I left them in the tank.  So this time the parents are raising them and today the fry are swimming around the parents in a swarm, maybe 30 or 40 of them.  LOL, didn't need anymore fry but nice to know this pair will raise their babies.


                • #98
                  Re: Angel Eggs

                  Mine fry are doing fine as well.  I do have a pair of your Gold Marbles cleaning off a leaf so I do have a pair (hopefully).  My fry are starting to look like little Angels now.  The parents did spawn again but about half the eggs were not fertilized and they seemed to loose interest in the remainder.  It was odd, they didn't eat them right away, just didn't care for them when they started wiggling.  I didn't have a place to put another batch so I just let them stay and eventually they all disappeared.  They are staring at the slate again.
                  Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                  • #99
                    Re: Angel Eggs

                     "Been there, done that," I guess! Good to know both batches are doing well!
                    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                    • Re: Angel Eggs

                      Glad to hear your fry are doing well.  Seems that when they hatch, when they swim and when they develop dorsal and anal fins and start looking like angels are three milestones!

                      Also glad that your gold marbles are starting to show signs of breeding.  I didn;t think they would yet.  I bought two blacks from Marion and they are showing signs too.  The male and female characteristics are showing and they are chasing everyone else into a corner.  Not cleaning leaves yet, though.


                      • Re: Angel Eggs


                        Update on the blacks, they laid eggs friday night and today I have wigglers.  Not that many though, there were only about 40 - 50 eggs altogether.

                        However the Gold Marbles raised the second batch of fry until they were free swimming for about a week, then ate them!  Guess I was just too excited and thought they would continue to care for them.  Still have the first batch though, about 250 fry most of which now look like minature angels.

                        Did your gold marbles lay eggs, yet?


                        • Re: Angel Eggs

                          Not yet, they're still pecking on the leaves and running the other Angels off.  I need to set up another 20 for them but I have to find the space first.   Where is the off button on Angels?  I have another slate full of wigglers myself with no place to put them.

                          That's great news on the blacks.  I'd like to have a pair of Black Veils but I would need to trim down what I have first.  Guess a few of my larger Angels may make it to the auction in March.
                          Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                          • Re: Angel Eggs

                            Glad to hear you are having good luck.  No off button, lol.  Once they start, it seems to be once every week or two.  

                            There will be plenty of angels are the auction, too.  Hoping for some nice variety.  I need some new blood to mix into the next generation.  I've turned into an angel addict.


                            • Re: Angel Eggs

                              Latest batch of free swimmers that I don't have room for  :? .  Fishysue, my gold marbles did spawn but they are still in the community tank and I don't really have a separate tank for them right now   .
                              Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                              • Re: Angel Eggs

                                Wow, look at all of them! That's great! (well, maybe not for the space...but for them! :) )
                                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

