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Angel Eggs

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  • Re: Angel Eggs


    That is great news that your GM are spawning and hope you have another set of parents that raise their young!  

    Hope your other angels are doing well! Albinos and DD Blacks.

    The golds, GM & GK are doing well that I picked up from Fishysue.  There golden color looks like it is darkening with age.  I am pleased.

    The fry I got from you are doing GREAT!  Don't think I lost any, there are some that are growing really fast and others that look like they are dwarfs LOL.  There is a good variety and thank you for the chance to grow some out!  Keep us posted.

    Fishysue, let me know when you have some extra blacks!  later, ken


    • Re: Angel Eggs

      islander, my new pearlscale albinos and the dd blacks are doing great.  I was going to separate them today but now I may siphon off some of the gm fry to a spare tank for a few weeks.  Everythings on hold here for now.  I have a fence being put up today and roofs on both houses either this week or next, just not enough time in the day sometimes.  I may want some of your hornwort pretty soon as I'm going to have to move some of my fry outside now that it's going to stay warm for a while.  Here's a better pic of the gm fry.  I'm glad the fry you got from me are doing well, their siblings are also doing great.
      Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


      • Re: Angel Eggs


        We will have hornwort and anacharis for your outside tanks!  Just let me know when.  The scuds will be hitching a ride so you will have free live food!  

        LOL, we moved some fish outside in March then moved them back in the following week becasue of the cold snap.  Just getting to move them outside again!  In May is when I was goning to move the angels outside.  later, ken


        • Re: Angel Eggs

          I use my outside 280 gallon tank as soon as the night temperatures rise to about 70 or so and stay there.
          I may have to add an outside tank or two this year..... getting too many spawns and running out of tank space....


          • Re: Angel Eggs

            Two of my other angels have spawned, theres a lot of eggs. Theyre both Golds. My other pair is also showing papillia(sp?) again, and are acting very aggressively to everything other than each other.

