Im preping my new 210g tank and Im thinking about a discus SA biotope....thin layer of white sand with lots of wood and low lighting....maybe some floating plants.
I just wanted to check in and ask the box about my filtration options. The tank will house 10 to 15 large adult discus, a variety of tetras, cories,...maybe some dwarf cichlids as well. Im looking at an eheim 2080 or 2180 and a CPR CR3000 wet/dry with overflow box and built in sump.
Honestly Im a little reluctant to run an overflow wet dry system but I know there are many benefits, including increased oxygen and biological filtration. My tank is not drilled so I would need to use the overflow box....a little unsightlly but im thinking it could go on the far right side of the tank which is near a wall, and would allow me to put the back of the tank closer against the wall.
But, do I need it?....would it be better/easier to just run two eheims instead of one eheim plus the wet dry? I do like the fact the CR3000 has a sump...
Any opinions?
I just wanted to check in and ask the box about my filtration options. The tank will house 10 to 15 large adult discus, a variety of tetras, cories,...maybe some dwarf cichlids as well. Im looking at an eheim 2080 or 2180 and a CPR CR3000 wet/dry with overflow box and built in sump.
Honestly Im a little reluctant to run an overflow wet dry system but I know there are many benefits, including increased oxygen and biological filtration. My tank is not drilled so I would need to use the overflow box....a little unsightlly but im thinking it could go on the far right side of the tank which is near a wall, and would allow me to put the back of the tank closer against the wall.
But, do I need it?....would it be better/easier to just run two eheims instead of one eheim plus the wet dry? I do like the fact the CR3000 has a sump...
Any opinions?