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  • Eartheaters

    Anyone know if eartheaters can live with tetras without eating them? From what I read most are very peaceful and dont like boisterous fish similar to discus but I cant find if they can live with tetras like discus. Any help and experience would be greatly appreciated.
    Resident fish bum
    330G FOWLR
    34G Reef
    330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
    28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
    Treasurer, GHAC

  • #2
    Originally posted by Darbex View Post
    Anyone know if eartheaters can live with tetras without eating them? From what I read most are very peaceful and dont like boisterous fish similar to discus but I cant find if they can live with tetras like discus. Any help and experience would be greatly appreciated.
    Depends on the species. I recall one species being aggressive and piscivorous, but forgot which one. I have a Satanoperca Jurupari that I got from F. Rex and he is doing great with angelfish and chocolate climbing perch. I think tater's geo is of the same species. I think he would be ok with your discus.
    Last edited by Nickintex; 09-04-2009, 06:07 PM.


    • #3
      Also, what kind of tetras?
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #4
        I was thinking about the red heads. I am not so worried about the discus since I figured out that they will work with discus but tetras are small enough for their mouths and I want to have tetras. I was wanting to create a Amazon biotope. And Geo, Discus, and tetras all inhabit the same area.
        Resident fish bum
        330G FOWLR
        34G Reef
        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
        Treasurer, GHAC


        • #5
          Cardinal and Rummy noses
          Resident fish bum
          330G FOWLR
          34G Reef
          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
          Treasurer, GHAC


          • #6
            altimfrons are the only known heavilly piscovorous sp.
            red heads as in steindachneris can be kept with virtually any medium or large tetras.
            all eartheaters can be kept with tetra similar in size to black skirts, columbians, basically any of the taller bodied 2" or larger tetras.
            they are very paceful to fish that pose no threat to their hiarchy or dominance, but i had a male altifrons that nearly killed a 6" male green terror.
            they are by no means as peaceful as discus.
            they can and will hhold their own with severums, jack dempseys, and other more lax larger cichlids. if they are of the same size or larger.
            red humps's ie; stiendachneris are notoriously aggressive, i used to keep my old pair with a breeding pair of green terrors larger than they were, and they didnt back down.
            they are by far one of the more aggressive sp.
            males have been known to readilliy kill females and chase them to death.
            they can be kept in pairs, but for stienies, i have always kept 1male, and 3-5 females. the single male will breed with each female.
            they are somewhat polygamous.
            and are biparental mouth brooders, which most eartheaters are.
            if you are going to get red humps, get 1m/3-5f. and give them atleast a 75g tank.
            a 4x1.5 footprint is a minimum.
            males are for a lack of a better term horny little monsters.
            my male would get a hair up his butt and breed with 3 females in a single night.

            they are very good parents.
            and should be kept alone do to aggression when breeding, which is all the time, they breed like rabbits but are much easier to sell than convicts and such.
            males can reach 6" and females ~4".
            i persoanlly reccomend the somewhat new G. Steindachneri 'Nieve' Race, they are a bit smaller, but more alittle more flashy and slightly more aggressive.
            hope this helps.
            FRENCH FRY!!!

            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


            • #7
              The Jurupari I have is quite a ham. If I approach the tank and he is behind the driftwood, he will actually come to the front, face me, then swim to the side and face me again. Such a character.
              PLECOS SUCK!



              • #8
                So you are saying that they are more aggressive than the peaceful fish?
                Resident fish bum
                330G FOWLR
                34G Reef
                330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                Treasurer, GHAC


                • #9
                  Go with the Jurupari. They have small down turned mouths.
                  PLECOS SUCK!


