I would suggest keeping the 2 together in the 55 forever. an 8" ebjd is an impressive sight. in a 7 foot tank you might be able to bypass much of the aggression, but do you want to risk it? when he says weak immune system he's referring to the fact that they are basically imbred mutants. they look beautiful but are often more vulnurable to disease and infection, especially when stressed. your oscars could easily be 8-10 inches in a years time, texas probably 6-7 inches and the terrors 5-6". with the blues growing slower and generaly having a more placid (I've heard of people keeping them with community livebearers before w/o issue) nature to begin with, the risks double. they are awesome cichlids and I hope you have great luck with them. you should post some pics of the little guys.
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