I have 2 Electric Blue Jack Dempsey's. They seem to grow VERY, VERY, VERY slow I've had them for about 3 months now and they'ed maybe grown 1/4''.(In comparison my oscars have grown at least 4".)
I was wondering if anyone has raised them? Is this the norm, or is something wrong?
Right now they are in a 30 gal tank by themselves, I give them 1 or 2 pellets (Hikari Sinking Cichlid Excel) just about every time I walk by but if they dont see it they wont go after it, and it gets lost in the gravel. They like to hide in a log I put in thier tank. Doing this means I feed them about 30 pellets/day. they can only put one pellet in thier mouths at a time, & I dont wnt to have too much extra food in there tanks.
Any advice in helping the little buggers grow.
I was wondering if anyone has raised them? Is this the norm, or is something wrong?
Right now they are in a 30 gal tank by themselves, I give them 1 or 2 pellets (Hikari Sinking Cichlid Excel) just about every time I walk by but if they dont see it they wont go after it, and it gets lost in the gravel. They like to hide in a log I put in thier tank. Doing this means I feed them about 30 pellets/day. they can only put one pellet in thier mouths at a time, & I dont wnt to have too much extra food in there tanks.
Any advice in helping the little buggers grow.