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Largest "Wet pet" for 55 gallon?

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  • Largest "Wet pet" for 55 gallon?

    I'm thinking of setting up a 55 with one large central/south american cichlid. I'm looking for one with a great personality, that will amuse friends when they come over. )

    Any ideas? Whats the largest fish I could maintain singly in a standard 55 long?
    Currently fishless, but a proud mama to a musk turtle hatchling.

  • #2
    i would say trimac but it will eventually outgrow that 55g........... pretty much any interactive cichlid will out grow that tank but if you can upgrade then you have alot of chocies. Trimac, Midas, Oscar, Black Nasty, Umbee, Dovii, Grammodes, Managuenses, Motaguense, Festae, the list goes on and on.

    i got a salvini pair that might be good for you.


    • #3
      male green terror!

      i have one residing in my 30g right now that is awesome!!!
      he flares at me, and chases my finger.

      hes gorgeous and has some serious tude!

      hes alittle over 8"tl.

      a pair would be perfect for a 55g.
      FRENCH FRY!!!

      55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'

