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Angelfish Stocking Question

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  • Angelfish Stocking Question

    I am going to be buying my angels in the next few weeks and just want your opinion on stocking.  I am going to buy small angels and wanted to know a good number for a school.  My tank is 58 gallons and I plan on having a small shoal of some sort of tetras and cory cats.  I may also get 2-4 blue rams.  I was planning on getting 4 angels.  Is this a good plan or should I plan on 5?  I wasn't sure if they did better in even or odd numbers or if it even matters.  Also, is it better to get the amount I want to end up with or should I buy an extra one or two?  Would it be a problem adding another same-sized individual later on should one of my angels die?  Lastly, should I buy them all at once or spread it out over a few weeks?  
    58G Malawis
    10G planted

  • #2
    Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

    Hello, I have had angels for about 3 years and love them, I had 2 in a 40gal for about a year and when I got a 90gal I put in more. I have 7 at present. The first 2 never went anywere without the other when it was just the 2 of them, but it definitely changed the dynamics and their behavior when others were introduced. They behaved as angels do, as cichlids. I have heard that 10gals per full grown angels is safe. Adding at  a later date has'nt been a problem for me, but I did try to get one close to the same size as the others. It always takes a week or two for the new one to be acceppted, but none have ever been hurt as long as they have enough room. 3 to start is what I would do, but everyone has a differant method.
    Have fun and good luck!!!!


    • #3
      Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

      i did a little research and thnk the best is about 10-15g per fish

      there are others here that breed and care for angels hardcore and hopefully they will chime in soon for you.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

        Thanks to both of you.  I've heard about 10 gallons per angel as well.  It's good to hear that PAPERGUY had no trouble introducing an angel at a later date.
        58G Malawis
        10G planted


        • #5
          Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

          If it were me, I'd get 5 now. The bigger the group of angels, the better they'll behave themselves! Three is a bad number for me, seems 2 always team up on the third. They are cichlids, and they can act like it! I started with 4, but from my experiences 5 is a much better number, esp. if your tank can handle it.

          Also, stay away from the chain stores. Don't be afraid to ask if your fish are local or if they're shipped in. They're not going to give you a source, but they should be willing to let you know if they're from a Houston breeder or from a fish farm. The fish farm angels can be very disappointing and hard to get to survive. That's where the notion that they're difficult fish comes from.

          Better yet, ask on here for a breeder who has whatever kind you're looking for.  



          • #6
            Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

            Great advice Ellen.  I'll get five then.  I'm not sure what type I want.  I guess I need to get out at look at my options.  I know I want a koi for sure and I'd like to get a solid black or half-black for sure.  I'm not sure what anyone has to offer.  I do know I'm in no rush because I want quality fishies.  I'll stay clear of the chains and I'll ask where they are from.  Are you breeding yet?
            58G Malawis
            10G planted


            • #7
              Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

              No, my angels are all either too young or boys...  :? For some reason the 3 that I have that are old enough to breed all seem to be boys. I guess I know how to pick them! LOL

              With any luck I will have too many to keep and will be getting rid of grown angels and pairs sometime this spring/summer.



              • #8
                Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

                Also you need to watch out as they getting agressive whenever they get into the breeding season. If you pick up five of them you have all the chances to have males & females and at the breding season they become very territorial. I have 9 in my 150G and they are very agresive between each other. I would say you should pick up 5 of them as you plannned and maybe separate those as they grow up/mature.



                • #9
                  Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

                  Besides the lfs, you might try the Houston Fish Auction coming up in March as a source of fish.  I know I will be taking a bunch of angels, including gold marbles, golds and silver veils.  My angels have been breeding like crazy this last year.  Check the HAS board for listings on angelfish too.   The LHA is having a swap meet this saturday and if the weather is not too bad, I plan to take some angels there, too.

                  Angels can be aggressive if they are breeding, but normally are fairly docile.  I have two pair in a 180 and everyone gets along in that tank.  I also have two new blacks that I may have to separate from the group in a 55 as they are picking on the 4 other angels in there.  Though I see signs that the blacks may be getting ready to breed.


                  • #10
                    Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

                    Sue's right...the HAS auction has more angels in one room than I've ever seen (then again, I haven't been to Obed's...).  :) And the angels she brought to the November swap were very nice looking. But knowing that you're still getting the tank situated, the auction might be a great place to shop.
                    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Angelfish Stocking Question

                      Thanks for the tips!  I'll check out HAS board right now and keep the auction in mind.  I'll check the LHA out while I'm at it.  Maybe I'll get lucky like Ellen did and get all boys, although I doubt she feels like that was good luck!
                      58G Malawis
                      10G planted

