I am going to be buying my angels in the next few weeks and just want your opinion on stocking. Â I am going to buy small angels and wanted to know a good number for a school. Â My tank is 58 gallons and I plan on having a small shoal of some sort of tetras and cory cats. Â I may also get 2-4 blue rams. Â I was planning on getting 4 angels. Â Is this a good plan or should I plan on 5? Â I wasn't sure if they did better in even or odd numbers or if it even matters. Â Also, is it better to get the amount I want to end up with or should I buy an extra one or two? Â Would it be a problem adding another same-sized individual later on should one of my angels die? Â Lastly, should I buy them all at once or spread it out over a few weeks? Â