I recently bought a few w/c "Apistogramma agassizi" from HAW. They have done surprisingly well in my planted tank using Houston water, in fact two have paired up and spawned! This unexpected success has increased my interest in the little guys, and I would like try to establish a small colony using some of the established strains.
And that leads me to my question. I looked into the sexing of A. agassizi, and I now realize that what I bought cannot be A. agassizi as their males have spade-shaped tails whereas mine has a tail more typical of other dwarf cichlid sp. with flaring at dorsal and ventral ends. Has anyone here seen HAW's stock and would venture a guess as to what they are? If I had to guess I would say A. cacatuoides, but to me a lot of w/c dwarfs spp. look the same.
I recently bought a few w/c "Apistogramma agassizi" from HAW. They have done surprisingly well in my planted tank using Houston water, in fact two have paired up and spawned! This unexpected success has increased my interest in the little guys, and I would like try to establish a small colony using some of the established strains.
And that leads me to my question. I looked into the sexing of A. agassizi, and I now realize that what I bought cannot be A. agassizi as their males have spade-shaped tails whereas mine has a tail more typical of other dwarf cichlid sp. with flaring at dorsal and ventral ends. Has anyone here seen HAW's stock and would venture a guess as to what they are? If I had to guess I would say A. cacatuoides, but to me a lot of w/c dwarfs spp. look the same.