Looking for some ideas for Top - Mid water dwelling fish for my future tank.
Would like for it to be a SA fish but it doesn't have to be.
Not really wanting an arowana anymore since I just got rid of mine, maybe a leucistic jar or african but those don't spark any interest. Thinking about looking for a cheap gar to toss into the tank but wanted to see what others think since my brains draws a blank right now.
Got rid of all my black bar silver dollars as well as my aro so I need something to replace them with to not make the tank look empty.
The Burmese archers are FG look cool as fawk but not sure if they would fair well with the bottom feeding fish.
Needs to be big or get big and fast enough not to become a meal. Also a school of fish would be cool too.
Any suggestions welcomed.
Would like for it to be a SA fish but it doesn't have to be.
Not really wanting an arowana anymore since I just got rid of mine, maybe a leucistic jar or african but those don't spark any interest. Thinking about looking for a cheap gar to toss into the tank but wanted to see what others think since my brains draws a blank right now.
Got rid of all my black bar silver dollars as well as my aro so I need something to replace them with to not make the tank look empty.
The Burmese archers are FG look cool as fawk but not sure if they would fair well with the bottom feeding fish.
Needs to be big or get big and fast enough not to become a meal. Also a school of fish would be cool too.
Any suggestions welcomed.