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Blue Diamonds Spawning 2nd Weekend in a Row (SA Community)

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  • Blue Diamonds Spawning 2nd Weekend in a Row (SA Community)

    Ok, 2nd weekend in a row my Blue Diamonds are spawning in the South American Community... no success in first batch but still trying. I added 5 German Blue Rams from Fish Gallery for a small colony of 2 males and three females... Monday... they are well integrated.

    BD Spawning Pictures


    “Semper Procinctum”

  • #2
    They look really good, Jeff. :emt_thumbs:


    • #3
      Thanks Russ. The Rams are doing great.
      “Semper Procinctum”


      • #4
        OK, since I last posted a few hours ago... my Red Head Trapajos Geophagus have spawned... 2nd time in a month... half grown. I have 1 male and 2 females in my Discus tank. This is first time for this female last time was with other...

        “Semper Procinctum”


        • #5
          Do you use RO/ID ?
          Your Discus need softer water to hatch out. I really don't think the fry will make it in the community tank.
          The Tapajos will have a better chance. Because they mouth raise.
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #6
            Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
            Do you use RO/ID ?
            Your Discus need softer water to hatch out. I really don't think the fry will make it in the community tank.
            The Tapajos will have a better chance. Because they mouth raise.
            Agree totally. I can't easily improve what they already have. My pH maintains at 7.0. Best I can do for now. No expectations just think its interesting that they have tried two weeks in a row.
            “Semper Procinctum”


            • #7
              I use 1/3 RO from FG and 2/3 tap with Prime for 50% WC. Once a week. Going to twice a week cycle though but that as far as I can go. True Discus people tell me I need daily WC to achieve highest potential. I'm studying the science behind this.

              I want a community SA biotope not bare glass and other faster growing methods.

              I test water every Saturday morning before WC. My ammonia, nitrite and Nitrates are constantly 0 ppm. I spike to between 5 and 10 in nitrates immediately following WC.

              I have filters and two plants keeping great water. I keep temps high at 87.5F but planning to come down to 86F.
              “Semper Procinctum”


              • #8
                The high timp. is why I don,t do discus. I'm to cheep to to pay the bill. My tanks are all SA. Geophagus, Angelfish, and Pleco's. The big tank had 40 neons tetra. The neons were beautiful. They became food. So I tryed endlers. They became food too. Funny thing is I know big fish eat little fish. I have done the glass box. Some fish it's the only way to breed but I do love my SA. community tank.
                Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

