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Gymnogeophagus Balzanii in a 20g?

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  • Gymnogeophagus Balzanii in a 20g?

    I have only a couple snails, a pair of threadfin rainbows, and a couple panda garra rufas in my lightly planted 20g.
    I want to get a pair of gymnogeophagus balzanii to house in it along with the current stock...

    Any reasons why this wouldn't work?

    For filtration - rena filstar xp3 - substrate - flourite fine black sand -2" bed - light sparse plantings of vals.
    Some maylaysian driftwood.

    Thanks in advance for the advice...
    ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
    5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories

  • #2
    i think a 20gal is too small personally. i think for a pair its more so recommended to go larger in the tank size...maybe 30gal or larger. they would probably get along fine with the tankmates, but still uproot the plants since they are earth eaters.


    • #3
      I have seen it done, and have done it in a 29g. Thats was a trio. they where housed and bred successfully in that tank. I am more asking if the water quality may become an issue as far as HLLE - HITH ...ect. due to water volume.
      ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
      5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


      • #4
        Those are cool fish BIG. The water here is always a problem with SA/CA fish. Not sure if 20g would work but if anyone can, you can. Any way you can always work something out with me for them.
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #5
          the plants should keep the nitrates down. i am not as familiar with the filstar canisters, but should probably do the trick for the bioload. anything is possible though, in regards to smaller tank volume being more volatile. if your water changes are on schedule and you test enough, should be ok water quality wise. only way to know is to try

          i have never had these types personally, so breeding could cause issues for your other tankmates.


          • #6
            im going to go ahead and give it a try. if anyone has any more reasons they think its a bad idea, please dont hesitiate to post it here. i feel you can never have enough info. thanks
            ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
            5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


            • #7
              Where did you find them?
              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


              • #8
                Well, Fish Gallery had a tank full, but they are sold out, so the wait continues until they surface again. I'm going to see if they may be coming in on their next freshwater order. If anyone sees any locally or has a pair they don't mind selling, let me know via pm:)
                ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
                5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


                • #9
                  The males can get 5".a 20 will be too small for 2 best luck with these has been in groups of 6-12.if you only have a few conspecific aggression will be an issue when they mature.delayed mouth brooder,spawns on substrate then mouthbrood the fry after they hatch.never heard of them spawning in a tank smaller than 70.they like space and clean water.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jughead View Post
                    The males can get 5".a 20 will be too small for 2 best luck with these has been in groups of 6-12.if you only have a few conspecific aggression will be an issue when they mature.delayed mouth brooder,spawns on substrate then mouthbrood the fry after they hatch.never heard of them spawning in a tank smaller than 70.they like space and clean water.
                    I suppose I could alweays upgrade in the future, Jughead, you wouldn't happen to know where to get some would you?
                    ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
                    5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BIG FISH View Post
                      I have only a couple snails, a pair of threadfin rainbows, and a couple panda garra rufas in my lightly planted 20g.
                      I want to get a pair of gymnogeophagus balzanii to house in it along with the current stock...

                      Any reasons why this wouldn't work?

                      For filtration - rena filstar xp3 - substrate - flourite fine black sand -2" bed - light sparse plantings of vals.
                      Some maylaysian driftwood.

                      Thanks in advance for the advice...
                      Honestly I think 20 gallon is too small for a pair. The male will kill the female in that tight space. They mature at 5-8" long. For sure you will need an upgrade to a bigger tank size for them later on.
                      010G Long fin BN grow-out
                      020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                      020G Leulepi grow-out
                      020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                      030G Leulepi breeder
                      030G SRD FlowerHorn
                      040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                      090G Tangs community
                      100G Tangs community
                      150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                      • #12
                        agreed. they may feel cramped as they push the standard 6+" size range. i wasnt sure of aggression level having never owned them, just usually saw 30+ gallons was more the norm for a pair/trio

