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Free To A Good Home

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  • Free To A Good Home

    Ok, here's my dilemma...

    I've had a community 55 gallon set-up for about 6 months, consisting of the general, run of the mill, popular breeds...a Dempsy, Green Terror, a few Red Jewels, a few Convicts, and a pair of Firemouths.

    Well, about a month ago we realized that a couple of the Jewels had paired off and spawned so I pulled them out and put them in a 30 gallon to raise the fry. Fast forward to this past week, the Jewel Fry are growing like weeds and doing fantastic, but within the week we've had the Convicts spawn (pulled them out and put them and their fry in a 10 gallon temporarily), another pair of Jewels in the 55 also spawned, and the Firemouths hatched eggs a few days ago. It's like I'm running a Sandals Resort here.

    Now, I've done all I can do to seperate all of these pairs and maintain some type of harmony in the community tank, but I've got nowhere left to house the Firemouths. So they are absolutely terrorizing the community tank, and each other at times. They've basically called dibs on half the tank and are mercilessly attacking anything and everything that comes within their line of sight. As you'd expect with Cichlids.

    I don't keep fish for breeding purposes, I just really enjoy Cichlids. So all of this spawning and fry has caught me off guard and I've decided that I'm not going to try and re-home the Firemouths at any pet store if I can avoid it, so I thought I'd offer them up here to anyone willing to come to Katy and pick them up.

    I expected the added aggression with them spawning, but they've got my Dempsy, which is twice their size, hiding in a corner all day. Afraid to come out long enough to eat. LOL.

    They're both about 3 inches long and in good health, aside from one of them showing some fin nips, either from stress or physical abuse from the other Firemouth when I'm not looking.

    I'm at Fry and I10 in Katy. If you're close by and interested in giving them a home, let me know. The sooner, the better.
    Last edited by Lodewijk5150; 07-28-2019, 09:02 AM.

  • #2
    Gone to new digs.... Thanks

