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Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

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  • Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

    Is there any store or any vendor selling Trimacs in the Houston area?

    Thanks. I've tried Xtreme fish and pets and City Pets. And tried calling Fish Ranch but no response I think they are closed....
    68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

    Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.

  • #2
    Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

    fish ranch rosenberg had some,check there.if they are gone,i have 2 juvis you can get


    • #3
      Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

      I've still got them
      Charles Jones

      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


      • #4
        Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

        Originally posted by marauder_77868";p="
        I've still got them
        Do you own a shop or you have some personally?
        68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

        Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.


        • #5
          Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

          They're at my me tomorrow...832-595-2777...Fish Ranch in Rosenberg
          Charles Jones

          A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
          Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


          • #6
            Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

            Thanks Fish Ranch! I got 2 for a really good price....

            Would you mind posting a picture of the parents? I'm really happy with them, I just hope they make it through the Oscars....
            68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

            Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.


            • #7
              Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

              I'll see if I can get some pics.
              Charles Jones

              A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
              Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


              • #8
                Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

                Thanks! Cause they look really good as juveniles.

                My Oscars are chasing them, is it ok for me to get a 10G from wal-mart and throw in my Powerhead 350 or maybe just get a air pump and create bubbles for water agitation and use that as a temporary tank until they get a little bigger? If so how long do you think they can stay in there until they can be put back with the other Cichlids?

                They are about 2 inches right now, I want to get a temp house for them until they get at least maybe 4-5inches.
                68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

                Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.


                • #9
                  Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

                  It would be ok...but you need to do real regular water changes to keep their growth going. Or maybe just add some hiding places until everyone settles dow.
                  Charles Jones

                  A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                  Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                  • #10
                    Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

                    I do 2 75% weekly and consistently. Real anal about water quality lol  

                    I think I'm going to go to wal-mart tonight and get that tank...Maybe 10 or 15G, don't want my Trimacs to get eaten I really like them.
                    68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

                    Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.


                    • #11
                      Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

                      That'll work
                      Charles Jones

                      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                      • #12
                        Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

                        I don't have a pic of the female, but this is the male:

                        Dave Schumacher


                        • #13
                          Re: Amphilophus trimaculatum (Trimac)

                          Wow he is stunning, very vibrant colors.  8O

                          Thank you!

                          The juveniles seem to have settled in and started eating and swimming around, the Oscars have lost interest in them...Although the juvies still hide in the plants.

                          The Omega One Cichlid Flakes should help them grow fast!  
                          68G: Cichlid Community tank soon to be moving in a 125G.

                          Equipment: Fluval FX5; AquaClear 7; Powerhead 350.

