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New Discus

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  • New Discus

    I just bought some discus from Dan and they seem to be healthy in my new tank. When I'm about to feed them, they all go to the top and get ready to eat.

    One thing I notice is that when they are in the tank, they seem to be moving their mouth a lot. Is there something wrong with them?

  • #2
    you might not be giving them enough oxygen. try adding a bubble wand, or HOB filter, or small powerhead(pointed towards the surface).
    250gallon-Wild Angels, community


    • #3
      which ones did you get? how many? what size of tank?
      250gallon-Wild Angels, community


      • #4
        i added a powerhead to my 90 gallon tank. I bought a leopard, pigeon checkerboard, 3 mandarin orange, 2 blue diamond. I also been doing a water change a day.


        • #5
          Mine move their mouths a lot or at least to me it's much more noticable on the discus than other fish. But like Newb said, more oxygen is always a good thing.


          • #6
            another question, how long do yall leave the light on for the fish? i notice some algae growing already


            • #7
              probably 8-10hrs a day. or you could do more water change. I long as I am doing my water change I dont normally get much algae at all. I do 2x weekly 50% water changes, and every other day I suck out just enough to remove the poop from the bottom(maybe 5% water change)
              250gallon-Wild Angels, community


              • #8
                yea i do water changes everyday. lol i was just looking at my discus and they are messing with the flow from the powerhead. they are swimming in a school against the current.


                • #9
                  You could get a bristlenose to help with the algae. We change 50 percent every day and only have algae on the wood. The bristlenose helps take care of that.
                  Our lights are on about 10 hours a day but that's only for our enjoyment. The fish don't need the light.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by frrranklinn View Post
                    I just bought some discus from Dan and they seem to be healthy in my new tank. When I'm about to feed them, they all go to the top and get ready to eat.

                    One thing I notice is that when they are in the tank, they seem to be moving their mouth a lot. Is there something wrong with them?
                    Mine like to sing. Ma ma ma ma. ma ma ma ma.....

                    Pa pa pa pa pa Poker face... Pa pa pa pa pa Poker face...

                    "The word superstar really turn me off and I tell you why because the word starrrrrrr, Man is an illusionnnnn" Bruce Lee

