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90 Gallon S.A. Discus/Pleco Tank Journal

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  • #16
    Sweet looking tank! How about more rummynose tetras? Or are they hiding in the photo?


    • #17
      Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
      dude, I like it Glen. Better than a FH, IMHO.

      what?!? that flowerhorn was gorgeous! Then Glen killed it.


      • #18
        Originally posted by wolfbane View Post
        Sweet looking tank! How about more rummynose tetras? Or are they hiding in the photo?
        we started off with over 20 and they kept getting sucked into our overflow and dying, then we bought 10 more to bring the number back up to 20 and those 10 died. I think the fish gods are telling us there should only be 10 rummynose in there.


        • #19
          Great Start. How are the plants doing?


          • #20
            Well, they're not dying, but they're not thriving. We seem to be in a holding pattern. I'm thinking I need to slowly start adding a little more each day, but I'm scared I'm going to overdose and kill them.
            Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


            • #21
              Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
              dude, I like it Glen. Better than a FH, IMHO.
              Me too. Just one fish in the tank was WAY too stressful. If one of these die, its only 1/9th as stressful!
              Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


              • #22

                I got some free plants that I'm taking out the lufubu tank. PM me if you want them.
                I ate my fish that died.


                • #23
                  Tank update. The 90g is again our only tank. I think its location in the house, the foyer, has been what has always kept off the chopping block.

                  I'm using Quoc's theory of quality over quantity and using some of the money from the sale of our 135g to "finish" this tank off. We already have the stand and canopy, we just needed to upgrade some of the equipment.

                  I've taken the wet/dry and the Eheim 2217 out, and have replaced them with the Eheim 2262 that was on the Troph's 135g. I've also added a 10lb pressurized co2 setup with a glass diffuser. Last, but not least, I'll be putting a new 4x54 T5 fixture on as soon as it comes in the mail.

                  The Discus are doing good. We still have 9 "Tiger" Turquoise which have all grown to be six to eight inches in diameter! We've somehow lost 9 of our 10 cories though, at the rate of about one dying each month. We still have 3 plecos: green phantom, galaxy, and a bristlenose. We had four, but the gold nugget committed suicide one night when he jumped out the back. Maybe he was pushed? Finally, we have 10 rummy-nose tetras. We had tried on two different occasions to add 10 more to the original count of 20, but for some weird reason 10 ALWAYS died off.

                  Anyway, now we're looking to add some plants, more tetras, a few more cories, and eventually some rams. I'll post pictures once they come on today to show where we're at and hopefully be able to get some plant advice.
                  Last edited by jeebus; 12-11-2009, 12:34 AM.
                  Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                  • #24
                    You are on the right track on getting what your plants need. Be selective on plants as it's a balancing act with discus. They like warmer temp and plants don't. One of the reason why your moss is browning out.
                    "The word superstar really turn me off and I tell you why because the word starrrrrrr, Man is an illusionnnnn" Bruce Lee


                    • #25
                      +1 on plants I am doing anubias and Amazon swords with success. The swords are a little yellow but I also do not fert or use CO2 too lazy. A hint on tetra additions that I have experienced add more than 10 at a time. Dont ask me why but when I would get 10 and add them I would loose about 8 but when I added 20+ I would loose 1. Go figure.
                      Resident fish bum
                      330G FOWLR
                      34G Reef
                      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                      Treasurer, GHAC


                      • #26
                        that is what Dan used to always preach to me...decide if you want gorgeous discus and decent plants...or if you want gorgeous plants and decent discus. Also, you definately need to use the spray bar on the 2262 and might even want to slightly turn down the flow coming out of that filter. Discus do not do well in heavy flow aquariums.
                        250gallon-Wild Angels, community


                        • #27
                          I would make an inline CO2 diffuser its easy to make and dissolves the CO2 into the water column much better than a glass diffuser. You also get the added benefit of slower water movement as this will reduce the flow a little.
                          Resident fish bum
                          330G FOWLR
                          34G Reef
                          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                          Treasurer, GHAC


                          • #28
                            The 2262 is working great, the water has never been more clear. We are using the spray bar, and the discus seem to like the flow. We don't plan on doing anything fancy with the plants since the discus are the main attraction. The goal with any of our tanks is to make them look as natural as possible.

                            I'm really excited about just focusing on one tank. Found out, I think the plecos are what killed our sterbais. I think we will be rehoming the plecos soon since I really like the serbais.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by tnguyen View Post
                              You are on the right track on getting what your plants need. Be selective on plants as it's a balancing act with discus. They like warmer temp and plants don't. One of the reason why your moss is browning out.
                              The moss in the pictures at the beginning of this thread are from the spring when I had just added them. At the time the water was at 90 degrees, I had no co2, did not use fert, and did not have adequate lighting.

                              Originally posted by newb View Post
                              that is what Dan used to always preach to me...decide if you want gorgeous discus and decent plants...or if you want gorgeous plants and decent discus. Also, you definately need to use the spray bar on the 2262 and might even want to slightly turn down the flow coming out of that filter. Discus do not do well in heavy flow aquariums.
                              ALWAYS Discus first. The plants are just to fill the tank out. We're using the spray-bar and its the perfect amount of flow. There's circulation in the tank now, but the flow is still light.

                              Originally posted by Darbex View Post
                              I would make an inline CO2 diffuser its easy to make and dissolves the CO2 into the water column much better than a glass diffuser. You also get the added benefit of slower water movement as this will reduce the flow a little.
                              I agree completely, but will not do so for the same reason you don't fert. :)

                              I did lower the temp to 88. I don't think I will go any lower just for the sake of the plants. I'm going to post some pics tomorrow (ended up not being home today) to show what the "starting point" of the co2 tank is.
                              Last edited by jeebus; 12-11-2009, 01:03 AM.
                              Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                              • #30
                                well if your gonna talk about the tank to us....we need updated pics.
                                250gallon-Wild Angels, community

