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90 Gallon S.A. Discus/Pleco Tank Journal

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  • #31
    Fish are sleeping.. Never wake sleeping fish.

    ...or is it never wake sleep-walkers?
    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


    • #32
      Updated pics..

      The new setup under the hood..

      Full Tank Shot..

      As you can see the lack of lighting and co2 has caused the Sagittarius (sp?) out and not up. If the co2 and new lighting works as planned I'm going to have to pull it from the area on the left between the log and the rock bed. I would like to do some sort of thick mat like grass in that area, some sort of bushy type plant in the middle between the two pieces of wood, and around the tall stump piece to the right some tall plants.

      I'm open to suggestions.
      Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


      • #33
        Low lighting will cause plants to grow up and not out because they will focus their energy on getting closer to the light source first. Nice discus though
        Resident fish bum
        330G FOWLR
        34G Reef
        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
        Treasurer, GHAC


        • #34
          Hmmmm.... perhaps its lack of co2 that caused it to grow out and not up then? I ask only because when we planted this stuff it went to the top of the tank and slowly the long stalks died off as the short runners grew out.
          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


          • #35
            I love the rocks in the corner...thats great stuff!

            Very nice tank. Will be interesting to see it grow out.
            15g column BB low-tech driftwood/planted - Dwarf Puffer Tank :lupe:


            • #36
              Nice Discus and tank, i saw them in person and the setup looks really good. Maybe replace the driftwods (at least one) with pieces of manzanita wood and attach anubias on it would be a suggestion, also discus love laying eggs in anuabias leaves.


              • #37
                I see another issue you might have to work on. the spray bar is blowing on the surface. Now this is good for Discus but bad when you want to use co2. This just gas the co2 out.

                Just think if you shake a can of soda, you shake, gas fizzle out.
                "The word superstar really turn me off and I tell you why because the word starrrrrrr, Man is an illusionnnnn" Bruce Lee


                • #38
                  Originally posted by tnguyen View Post
                  I see another issue you might have to work on. the spray bar is blowing on the surface. Now this is good for Discus but bad when you want to use co2. This just gas the co2 out.

                  Just think if you shake a can of soda, you shake, gas fizzle out.

                  +1, that's why you don't use w/d filters with co2


                  • #39
                    Kim and I had talked about the manzanita wood but just never pulled the trigger. As for the rocks we were going for that riverbed sloping up the bank look. I think good plants are what was missing to pull it off.

                    Is the anubias a vine or is it a rooted plant?
                    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by tnguyen View Post
                      I see another issue you might have to work on. the spray bar is blowing on the surface. Now this is good for Discus but bad when you want to use co2. This just gas the co2 out.

                      Just think if you shake a can of soda, you shake, gas fizzle out.
                      Yeah, I've got the diffuser at the bottom of the tank below the spray bar. For now I'm just going to leave it that way and use more co2 if it takes to get my 20ppm. I just don't want to mess with altering any of the Eheim's plumbing right now.
                      Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                      • #41
                        tank looks empty


                        • #42
                          I know. That's why we added the co2. Got to get some plants now and give it a few months.
                          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                          • #43
                            Anubias is a rhizome (see below)
                            HoustonFishBox is an online community dedicated to bringing together people and their fish in Houston, Southeast Texas, and beyond.
                            Resident fish bum
                            330G FOWLR
                            34G Reef
                            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                            Treasurer, GHAC


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by jeebus View Post
                              Kim and I had talked about the manzanita wood but just never pulled the trigger. As for the rocks we were going for that riverbed sloping up the bank look. I think good plants are what was missing to pull it off.

                              Is the anubias a vine or is it a rooted plant?
                              Anubias leaf grows on rhizome base structure and is best attach it to rock or wood. Get most of it nutrient threw water column. Don't plant them in the substrate.
                              "The word superstar really turn me off and I tell you why because the word starrrrrrr, Man is an illusionnnnn" Bruce Lee


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by jeebus View Post
                                Yeah, I've got the diffuser at the bottom of the tank below the spray bar. For now I'm just going to leave it that way and use more co2 if it takes to get my 20ppm. I just don't want to mess with altering any of the Eheim's plumbing right now.

                                Will be hard to see 20ppm with that spray bar effectively gassing out your will have to be pouring that co2 in fast....Im talking like 200bpm or more possibly. At that rate your bottle wont last very long at all...

                                Why dont you just twist the spray bar around to face back to shoot down and back toward the glass?

                                Also get a bunch more plants or your going to have algae out compete the few plants you have with all that co2 and light youve added.

                                To be honest I like how it looks now. The area those fish are from is very void of plant life. I see you are up for a challange here...:)
                                15g column BB low-tech driftwood/planted - Dwarf Puffer Tank :lupe:

