I have been fighting a parasite outbreak and white poop in my beloved 210g discus tank, and I decided to buy a USB microscope to see what I am dealing with. I have too many discus to treat in my small QT tank, so I am treating the main tank.
I still dont know what the heck everything is when I look in the microscope...I think I have identified spiro but they are mostly gone now after the metro treatments thus far...As for now, I am on day 4 of metro treatment and will back that up with a dewormer treatment of Levamisole in the water.
I hope I can kill these bugs and get my guys back eating again. I have lost two of my smallest guys last week, but since I have been treating with metro everyone is looking better already.
I also hope this information will prove useful when other members need to reference parasites in their discus. I have posted these findings on simplydiscus.com as well.
Here is a pic and a video of a parasite I found a few days ago...The pic shows two, side by side.
VIDEO --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJY7QWwxIgU
And here is the second video, amazing little creature who looks like he has buzz saws for hands...weird stuff...
VIDEO --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABGBJ1O0L3w
If anyone can help that would be great. I think the meds I have will kill them, Ill keep the thread posted as I progress.
I still dont know what the heck everything is when I look in the microscope...I think I have identified spiro but they are mostly gone now after the metro treatments thus far...As for now, I am on day 4 of metro treatment and will back that up with a dewormer treatment of Levamisole in the water.
I hope I can kill these bugs and get my guys back eating again. I have lost two of my smallest guys last week, but since I have been treating with metro everyone is looking better already.
I also hope this information will prove useful when other members need to reference parasites in their discus. I have posted these findings on simplydiscus.com as well.
Here is a pic and a video of a parasite I found a few days ago...The pic shows two, side by side.
VIDEO --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJY7QWwxIgU
And here is the second video, amazing little creature who looks like he has buzz saws for hands...weird stuff...
VIDEO --->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABGBJ1O0L3w
If anyone can help that would be great. I think the meds I have will kill them, Ill keep the thread posted as I progress.