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Sick Discus

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  • Sick Discus

    From the wild green thread:
    Originally posted by Darbex View Post
    Did you QT them? Unless you know the seller puts them through med treatment their is a high likelihood they will be carrying parasites.
    Well, all the discus are slightly under the weather. Dark with slightly clamped fins, but eating very well. I have put them all in a 20 gallon high, put the temp at 87 degrees and added some general cure (see picture). Doing 50% water changes. Any advice appreciated.

  • #2
    You could raise your temp up another two degrees or so. Ive heard of people going as high as 92, myself iv gone up to about 90. How often are your water changes?
    105g Discus
    110g Tropheus red moliro


    • #3
      I think that I have the same thing that Discus-Hans had:

      But I only have 6 discus, and since I am not reselling them, I am not going to euthanize them. I have been talking to chuckbam (a discus seller) and he suggested trying Clout.

      I put all the discus in a 20 gallon high. This weekend, I will change 50% of the water twice a day, raise the temp to about 88 or so and treat with clout. On Monday, I will have to go back to 50% once a day as I don't have time to change the water in the morning.


      • #4
        try furan-2. its what i use when my discus are under the weather and raise temp. if theyre eating its a good sign.


        • #5
          The first one to get sick is now doing much better. Looks like it takes about 5-6 days total to run its course. One of my "healthy" ones did poo out a tape worm...
          Attached Files


          • #6
            are you dosing furan?


            • #7
              Sticking with the general cure. All are now doing fine except for one. I am actually going to move them all (except the 1) back to the big tank tonight. The one that was the sickest has now completely regained his color and is the dominate fish again.


              • #8
                parzi pro is great for tapeworms..

                levamisole is best for round worms/nematodes..

                most external stuff can be wipe out with Potassium permanganate..

                North American Discus Association, Secretary (N.A.D.A.)
                N.A.D.A Facebook
                Jester - S0S Crew Texas

