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Need opinions on fish diet.

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  • Need opinions on fish diet.

    I will list the fish in my tank and would like opinions on what would be the best diet to them.
    tiger barbs
    daffodil cichlids
    bala sharks
    purple goby

    So, what would be the best diet for them?

    BTW, I put cucumber for my plecos, they like it, and recently I started using calabacita squash and they go babanas over it.
    I dream of a Flagtail prochilodus!

  • #2
    Wow... What are you feeding now, besides veggies for the plecos?
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      NLS Thera A small (if you can stand the smell) or Tetra Colorbits.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mzungu View Post
        Wow... What are you feeding now, besides veggies for the plecos?
        regular tropical flakes and cichlid flakes, and frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp with spirulina as a treat ocasionally.
        I dream of a Flagtail prochilodus!


        • #5
          well looks like you already got a pretty good diet for them
          <(72 gallon bowfront tank)>
          ~ Oscars
          <(10 Gallon Tank)>
          ~ Planted tank
          ~ Dwarf Hairgrass
          ~ RCS Colony
          <(5 Gallon Tank)>
          ~ Dwarf Hairgrass


          • #6
            You look like you have a good diet for them. For a staple I like Nick's suggestion but the Bichir is going to need a variety of meaty foods. What you you can also try is shrimp from the grocery store (cut into small pieces) and white fish like tilapia (also from the grocery store cut into pieces). Oh btw they may have put some Sodium Tripolyphosphate on them to retain moisture. You can try to wash it off if you like but it should be okay.

            These are just a few suggestions from what I have read/researched.


            • #7
              For the most part I think your diet is okie. What flake are you feeding ? I am going to agree with Nick here.. If you want a quality food, switch to NLS Thera A 1mm -- All your fish should be able to handle this. Thera A has garlic in the food and this helps with the immune system in fish.

              Unless you are feeding a high quality flake I would switch to something better. I would stop feeding brine shrimp.. They have little value to your fish once they are of size. Bloodworms will do them better.

              If you like flake, I recommend Ken's flake -- see

              Keep smiling :)

              What fish do Jesper have
              180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
              Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
              58 S. Decorus

              "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher

