Hi everyone, I've recently been contemplating whether or not to get a fish tank from www.glasscages.com but have some doubts about quality. I would also have to wait until this upcoming September when they travel here to Houston and if so I can pay just 80 dollars for shipping a 180g tank which is itself $400 but with no glass tops or lighting. I actually am looking to get the tank by this summer as my current stock of New World Cichlids will soon outgrow the 120, 58, and 55 gallon tanks. I'm afraid to ask any local fish stores b/c all I see are overpriced tanks, for example a 125g Universal brand tank/top/light for a little over $519 is ridiculous when Petsmart has both a 125g for 329.99 and a 150g for 499.99 both with tank/tops/light also and a better brand I might add. And so what I did was search online for fish stores across the nation for pricing on All-Glass and Perfecto 180g tanks and average price is about $650. If I can get that price anywhere in Houston I'm jumping on it so if any of you guys know of a good place to go to for a fair price ( not super cheap ) but a fair honest non-ripoff price around the ballpark of $650 hook me up with the store name please.