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HOWTO Start a plant/Fish aquarium.

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  • #16
    Yes that will be fine. You can grow plants well in that tank. I would stick to java ferns (needle, windelov, regular) mosses, anubias, crypts, water wisteria, anacharis, hornwort and others.

    All should do well in a tank like that. I would not worry about substrate too much. Java ferns, mosses and anubias dont even get planted. If you get crypts i would just buy root tabs and use those. Also consider using Seachem Flourish Excel to substitute the carbon (note there is somethign called seachem flourish.... not same thing). You can get the Seachem Flourish as fertalizer for your plants.

    All in all you should be able to create a good low tech low light tank


    • #17
      A 12 gallon tank is small enough that one bag of a good substate would be enough to cover it. I'd go with a black color in either Amazonia or Eco Complete. Since Anubias even put out roots to the soil it will help them to grow. Crypts, Vals, Java ferns should flourish in the tank. I would fertilize using a liquid like Brightwell Complete and use Seachem Excel for carbon and treating algae. Your light would be fine. The Angels will outgrow the tank. Add some small driftwood to attach anubias and java ferns and you are on your way. Use plant tabs for the Crypts and Vals.


      • #18
        Thank you everyone... I will start this weekend and let you guys know how it turns out...


        • #19
          wal*mart lily bulb

          I have used the walmart bulbs, usually it's apongeton (sp?) and some kind of red lily. The first set didn't grow, but the guaranteed replacements have done really well. I just threw them in the tank and let them settle where they would.

          My fish have Names.

