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Keeping German Blue Ram

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  • Keeping German Blue Ram

    Hey guys, I've been trying to keep german blue rams. I bought two just Friday. Today one of them died. I know GBR are very sensitive to water parameters but I don't know what I can do to keep the water idea for them. :\ I'm really sad that one of them had to die because they are absolutely beautiful. Can anyone please provide me with some desperate help on anything I can at all? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I want to be able to finally feel comfortable in buying another female because that was the one that I lost. I don't want to yet until I feel comfortable that I can keep them because they are pretty expensive.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    my best advice, dont keep them, they are hard to keep

    if you are determined however, we need more info

    water parameters, temp, size of tank, filtration, any recent changes, etc.
    I make people happy


    • #3
      I have a 10 gallon planted tank which has been cycled for about 3 months now. The only fish in there are those two. I have my heater set to a constant 82 degrees. The pH is around 7.4 and the only recent change was the addition of them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mark razmandi View Post
        my best advice, dont keep them, they are hard to keep

        if you are determined however, we need more info

        water parameters, temp, size of tank, filtration, any recent changes, etc.
        +1, more info and when you bought them.


        • #5
          I bought them on friday October 31. I don't know what info you want to know so if you could tell me i will definitely tell you >.<


          • #6
            Curious how do you know it was a female? Rams are hard to keep but you can do it with the right mixture. Was there anything that you noticed with the one that died? Did it look sick or did it look like it was attacked?
            Resident fish bum
            330G FOWLR
            34G Reef
            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
            Treasurer, GHAC


            • #7
              I think what they also want to know is filtration on the tank. Also how heavily planted is it? Are there places for them to hide?
              Resident fish bum
              330G FOWLR
              34G Reef
              330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
              28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
              Treasurer, GHAC


              • #8
                im not sure if 82 is too warm but 7.4 ph is too high for rams but can be did you introduce them to the tank, i have a feeling that might be the cause
                I make people happy


                • #9
                  As for telling if it was a female, she has a REALLY bright pink spot on her abdomen. When I got her at the fish store, she was one of the fish that stood out because it was so bright. They didn't look sick at all before I left to take my little cousin to trick or treat. Neither of them were attacked because they are the only fish that occupy the tank. I have a lot of rocks in the tank and they hide in the back of the tank behind the rock when I see them swim back there. And lastly, I have a Top Fin hang filter.


                  • #10
                    Do you know if they comes from a tank with RO water (soft water)? Our water is hard and if they are not aclimated to our water when you put them in your tank, the fish may have been stressed and die.


                    • #11
                      I put the bag in the tank to get the water to equalize. I also did a drip acclimating method. I netted them out of the bag and put it in the tank. It could be that they were really stressed when they were netted but they settled down and were found swimming and eating this morning and afternoon. I don't know what could happen.

                      Also, if 7.4 is too high. How would I be able to lower it? :(


                      • #12
                        I don't know what water they came from but because I knew they were really sensitive to water parameters. I was REALLY careful to acclimate them before I put them in. They seemed stressed in the beginning when I took them from the bag and put them in the tank but they settled down and was able to hover around and eat.


                        • #13
                          I read online that they prefer temperature around 80 degrees.


                          • #14
                            if acclimated properly i dont 7.4 ph should really be that much of an issue, but if you wanted to lower it, i would use driftwood
                            I make people happy


                            • #15
                              If I added driftwood, it would look really awkward in the kind of scape I have. I just hope I can figure out how to keep those guys cause they look amazing and I feel bad for the poor guy who's in the tank all by himself now

