Hey all,
Second post here, so my apologies if it's in the wrong place. I've gotten back into the hobby after a 10-year hiatus and landed myself a 55 gallon at a great price.
I'd like to get a large shoal of neon tetras going, and while breeding is a possibility later down the road, I'd like to know if any local sellers offer bulk pricing on smaller fish such as tetras, angels, and platys.
Any leads out there?
Second post here, so my apologies if it's in the wrong place. I've gotten back into the hobby after a 10-year hiatus and landed myself a 55 gallon at a great price.
I'd like to get a large shoal of neon tetras going, and while breeding is a possibility later down the road, I'd like to know if any local sellers offer bulk pricing on smaller fish such as tetras, angels, and platys.
Any leads out there?
