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Helping a it overstepping?

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  • Helping a it overstepping?

    I was in a Pet store the other night getting crickets for our leaf-tailed gecko. It's not a large pet store, and I definitely wouldn't consider it a LFS since they have about 15 tanks and a tiny section of food and supplies. Anyway, a man came in while I was looking around waiting for them to bag my crickets and was walking around the store with one of the staff looking for fish meds. They didn't know what was wrong with the fish, and I didn't hear the symptoms, but the guy who worked there was saying 'ich' and the customer was saying, no that he knows what ich is and it's not that. Both of them seemed pretty confused and helpless though. I thought about butting in to see if I could help, but didn't know if I'd be overstepping. After all, who am I, right? Some stranger in a pet store.

    What would you do?

    Oh, and it's worth mentioning, I go in here a couple times a month for crickets and almost every time, someone is in there with a fish problem/question and the employees are really not equipped to answer anything about fish. They don't necessarily try to answer, so they aren't misguiding the customer, they just don't know.
    Our Fishhouse
    Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

  • #2
    I would at least point them here...I have talked to a few people at stores and I dont know all the answers, nor do I want to give them bad advice....but I will suggest they do some research online and tell them about the best local fish site in Houston, HFB, where maybe they can ask questions and get some good answers.

    15g column BB low-tech driftwood/planted - Dwarf Puffer Tank :lupe:


    • #3
      it really depends on you i guess? cause then if you answer one question they might come back and ask a million more...

      i mean sometimes i feel like helping someone and other days im just like dont bother

      or you can tell them to join HFB and someone will help!!


      • #4
        Awesome! :) I actually thought about that after I'd left. I need to make sure I always have HFB business cards in my purse.
        Our Fishhouse
        Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


        • #5
          Originally posted by imagirlgeek View Post
          Awesome! :) I actually thought about that after I'd left. I need to make sure I always have HFB business cards in my purse.

          ooooo bring some here to happy teahouse!!!


          • #6
            It may seem a little uncomfortable at first, but I think you should offer your help and advice if you know what you're talking about. Realistically, the person looking for help (and their animals) will be better off, and the employee will probably learn something too. Even if the employee gets a little embarrassed for not knowing, and having someone else step in, they will most likely be glad to have learned more, so they can help more people in the future.

            I think as long as you're polite and ask if they'd like some advice first, it if perfectly acceptable.



            • #7
              Originally posted by madehtsobi View Post
              ooooo bring some here to happy teahouse!!!
              I will!
              Our Fishhouse
              Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


              • #8
                Yea it's hard to listen to some stuff you hear. I have wanted to jump in but most of the time I just keep my mouth shut. The HFB is the best solution. I Never will keep my mouth shut again. I will always tell them about the HFB!

                Trophs & Petros ONLY


                • #9
                  For me it depends on what store I'm in. If I'm at a fishstore that I frequent and everyone knows me then I step right in. I'll start with "I overheard", or "what ya putting together" - type of introductions. The last time I did it, the guy really did not want to talk to me (not did he realize that I worked there before). The following week he came back and saw me there again, and just started asking me questions. I don't mind it (unless my son is with me).
                  300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
                  225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
                  210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
                  160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
                  90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
                  90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
                  2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ddaquaria View Post
                    The last time I did it, the guy really did not want to talk to me (not did he realize that I worked there before).
                    i think most people would react this way. I keep to myself while in the pet store. i should probably pimp houstonfishbox some more though.
                    25g - Reef
                    3.5g - Surge Tank
                    10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


                    • #11
                      I do it all the time. I usually use the Petco down the street from my house for dog food and chinchilla supplies and while i'm there, i usually take a stroll through what they call the "aquatic section". 9 out of 10 times there are usually people with questions, and nobody to answer them. Finally I started answering the ones I could. For example, an older lady wanted to set up a 29g tank (it was her very first tank) and she wanted to know what to put in it. The employee suggested a couple of baby green terrors, a couple blood parrots and some other mixed africans. She was telling the lady that she could not only put these fish in the same tank, but that she could put "as many of them as she wanted". (in a 29g tank!) I had to intervene. I gave the lady the run down on the species etc etc. The employee was fairly pissed but I didnt care. Number one, I care too much about fish to let some uninformed goof-nut give bad advice and two, I'm way bigger than you...LOL. I say, give the advice you can and point them in our direction for the stuff you cant.
                      If it ain't wild caught
                      You ain't doing it right


                      • #12
                        Traci, You need to print some cards up with Just the Houston Fish Box Logo and webaddress on it.

                        Then when you run into these issues tell them you know of a great place to get "fish" info at and hand them a card. If they ask you anything about where you got the card from tell them the owner gave the card, and you are handing it on because you already have the site bookmarked :)

                        What fish do Jesper have
                        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                        58 S. Decorus

                        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                        • #13
                          I point people here all of the time. I am so glad that I found this resource, and I want to share it with everyone. The people on this site have made the hobby much more enjoyable for me. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
                          Go to Heaven for the climate Hell for the company.

                          125g SA/CA
                          125g Red Jewels, and mbuna
                          90g Hex Angels, Tetras, and Cories
                          55g Low Tech Planted. Guppies, Neon Tetras, Red Cherry Shrimp
                          55g peacock pair
                          45g Fry tank
                          12g Hospital Tank
                          75g Coming soon....Geos?


                          • #14
                            Sometimes trying to help someone in a LFS might backfire on you, but I wished I had someone to help me when I got started. It would have saved me a LOT of money, and saved the lives of lots of fish.
                            300 W/C Burundi
                            210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
                            210 F1 Moba
                            180 W/C Mpimbwe
                            180 F1 Burundi


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mikeb144 View Post
                              Sometimes trying to help someone in a LFS might backfire on you, but I wished I had someone to help me when I got started. It would have saved me a LOT of money, and saved the lives of lots of fish.
                              Completely agree, and it's the chance you take.
                              300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
                              225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
                              210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
                              160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
                              90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
                              90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
                              2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank

