Hi Everyone
I was surprised to find 4 fry swimming at the surface of the tank. I had no idea that anyone in the tank was expecting. The fry look to be about half the size of a tetra. (1/4 inch) and close to transparent. I feel certain they are not Rosey's. not cories, and not rainbow red sharks, so that leaves the Dalmation Mollies or neon tetras as mothers. If I had known soon, I would have cigars ready to pass around.
Since I am fighting a high ammonia level, with the new fry is it safe to add an ammonia neutralizer?
I was surprised to find 4 fry swimming at the surface of the tank. I had no idea that anyone in the tank was expecting. The fry look to be about half the size of a tetra. (1/4 inch) and close to transparent. I feel certain they are not Rosey's. not cories, and not rainbow red sharks, so that leaves the Dalmation Mollies or neon tetras as mothers. If I had known soon, I would have cigars ready to pass around.
Since I am fighting a high ammonia level, with the new fry is it safe to add an ammonia neutralizer?