hey guys! well i was looking aound and came across HFB...i started off a couple months ago when my girlfriend brought home a betta. i got her a 5 gallon tank and small filter cause she was getting frustrated with waterchanges in a glass vase haha. And there is when the Fit hit the Shan haha...i put a divder in there and bought a white betta that she fell in love with. Picked up a free 10 gal from the school i work at and started off with some neon tetras and tiger barbs...she the came home with 3 small cichlids. but i noticed one tetra was gone the next morning! so i gave the tetras to my buddy who just bought his little boy a tank too...they have been fine there. Now i have a 55 gallon that shes not too happy about. but i promised id get rid of the 10 gal and just keep the 55
. so i have the 55 gal with just fine sand bottom, oxygen bubble wall at back, Eheim Canister filter and cycled it fishless. now i dont know what want in it! i dont want just petshop normal fish. Id like something different thats a nice conversation piece, even if the tank doesnt have alot of fish. i dont have any plants or decorations in yet. Not sure if i want that. I know Some river rocks will be going along the bottom in the sand but dont know which directio to go with this!
any ideas? appreciate any help or advice. i was looking into saltwatrer but most saltwater info is on reefs and thats just a money pit for me with a small child and me still in college. oh and the aquarium came with stock lights..and also coralife 48" 2X65 watt light. i dont know much about the lighting but know the bulb has 2 colors. have been trying to research lights but cant find the exact model. i think online porduct number is 53008. thanks guys hope to hear from yall.

any ideas? appreciate any help or advice. i was looking into saltwatrer but most saltwater info is on reefs and thats just a money pit for me with a small child and me still in college. oh and the aquarium came with stock lights..and also coralife 48" 2X65 watt light. i dont know much about the lighting but know the bulb has 2 colors. have been trying to research lights but cant find the exact model. i think online porduct number is 53008. thanks guys hope to hear from yall.