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Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

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  • #16
    Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

    i gave mine some ghost shrimp and it was a massacre.  lol.  it was cool to watch.


    • #17
      Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

      where did you get yours from??


      • #18
        Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

        Originally posted by mrairportjunke";p="
        where did you get yours from??
        I went to Fish Ranch II and got them. I am new to the area and this place seemed to have good reviews.

        Mine haven't touched the ghost shrimp yet. I grabbed a few for fun.


        • #19
          Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

          yeah.  they will. just wait.  what level do you ahve them in.  i have mine at like 1.008


          • #20
            Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

            Originally posted by mrairportjunke";p="
            yeah.  they will. just wait.  what level do you ahve them in.  i have mine at like 1.008
            What kind of reading is that? I know that isn't a PH reading?



            • #21
              Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

              no specific gravity.  salt content basically


              • #22
                Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                Thanks for the explanation. Your post got me worried. I thought these were totally freshwater fish. I bought them in the freshwater section at FRII. After reading on the internet, these are actually brackish water fish. I guess I should make a brackish water tank?


                • #23
                  Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                  yeah.  bring the salt contect up slowly.  like a .001 a week about it what i been reading.  get the thermometer floating stlye hydrometer.  for the money it works the best.  been doing my research.  and use marine salt.  not aquarium salt.


                  • #24
                    Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                    Cool. Where did you get your hydrometer? Do you remember how much it costs?


                    • #25
                      Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                      I'm still adapting my gsp to brackish.  I bought the bag of salt mix designed for a 5 gallon and am slowly adding it to my 10.  I've used about 3/4 of the bag now, and the puffer is doing just fine.  Every day I take about a cup of his tankwater out, add about 1/4 cup of the salt mix to it and distribute it around the tank.  I do usually twice, am and pm.  Now I just wish I had put some plants in there wiht him so they could adapt too.  Guess I"ll have to do those separately.
                      The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                      Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                      • #26
                        Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                        I am going to have to start changing mine to brackish.


                        • #27
                          Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                          Brackish is great for young GSPs, but some people say that a full marine setup is the best for adults.

                          How is your sick puffer doing, mrairportjunke?
                          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                          • #28
                            Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                            I have been reading about the marine setup. These critters are hard to understand. I think the agreement is they are not freshwater fish.


                            • #29
                              Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                              Correct.  :)

                              I didn't know FRII kept them in the freshwater section as well...kind of confusing, as they have a bunch in one of their saltwater tanks towards the back.

                              The good news is that at lower salinity brackish conditions, guppies can do well. Not sure what their tolerance is, however. I know mollies can be acclimated to full marine. You definitely will get some population control with the puffers! If they're fancy guppies, their fins might disappear altogether... :(
                              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                              • #30
                                Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                                I know. I remember scratching my head when I seen the group in the salt section as well as the tank of them in the freshwater section. My wife made a comment that the saltwater GSP were bigger and looked more healthy. I guess I understand why. My intention was to get a dwarf puffer. Being the idiot I am, I thought that was what I was getting into.

                                So brackish or marine, I wonder which is better for them? The guppy control will not be possible with the marine... Anything else eat guppies out there. I remember when guppy mommies and daddies ate their babies. Mine don't do that anymore...

