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Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

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  • #31
    Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

    Stick to brackish for the puffer, marine tanks can be quite difficult and costly, especially in such a small tank. The costs manifest themselves in increased equipment failure due to salt creep and corosion, in costly additives for the water, and in a whole different set of meds for the marine pests. With smaller tanks it becomes very difficult to maintain parameters in water quality without having large buckets with prepared change water sitting idly by waiting for you to need them. It's best to use aged water for your water changes as it has had a chance to stabilize and disolve the minerals and salt required. That's why owners of salt nano's have them so sparsely populated, that and of course a 2 gallon tank can't support much anyway, hehe. In short, salt is a pain that if you aren't prepared for can quickly turn you off. As for guppy eaters, get yourself just about any African Cichlid you like and he will be more than happy to relieve you of as many Guppies as you can tolerate to lose.
    Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


    • #32
      Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.


      Thanks for the advice.


      • #33
        Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

        So, are these 2 in your 10 gallon?

        That's very true about smaller saltwater tanks, but the puffers will need a much larger tank, anyway.

        If you do stick with brackish, just make sure it's higher salinity. From what I've read, though, they really do much better in marine aquaria as adults.
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


        • #34
          Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

          Well, I thought I was getting into dwarf puffers not GSP. I am getting a new tank ASAP to move them into a much bigger salty environment.


          • #35
            Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.


            I've been reading a bit online about them, too. I usually like to find out what a fish's natural habitat is, and I found this:

            Tetraodon nigroviridis (Marion de Procé, 1822) is a pufferfish that lives in the rivers, estuaries and mangroves of Indonesia, Indochina, Malaysia and the Philippines. It is also occasionally caught in full sea water, and has thus a diverse habitat.


            Apparently it's mostly brackish...Which is great news! Just wanted to let you know what I found.  :)
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #36
              Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

              Mzungu, thanks for the information! Not to derail this thread, but is that a sun or nanday conure in your avatar?


              • #37
                Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                Originally posted by Mzungu";p="
                Brackish is great for young GSPs, but some people say that a full marine setup is the best for adults.

                How is your sick puffer doing, mrairportjunke?
                 hey guys i was at work.  mine is doing great.  the wife has been nursin him back while i was at work.  one day she came home and he was stuck to the intake.  said she pulled him off and he seemed ok.  that was 2 days ago.  hes fine now.  hes evan starting to get some fatness.  i have been treatin him with prazipro.    
                As for my hydrometer, i got it at Aquarium world.  its an 8",  i read up online that the floating type witht the temperature and all on it was the most accurate your gonna get without buying a refractometer thing.


                • #38
                  Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                  fishhog - No problem! And she's a Jenday.  :)

                  mrairportjunke - Glad he's doing better. I found a great deal on a refractometer on MARSHreef, which I LOVE, but I bet it's nice to be able to tell the SG at all times.  :)
                  "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                  • #39
                    Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                    yeah i looked into the refractometer's but you have to calibrate them and the thermometer one you just drop in and read and go.  its close enough for the brack tank.


                    • #40
                      Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.

                      hey guys.  im back.  well puffers are gettin bigger.  well one of them is.  the other is still small but the worms he had are gone.  hes just not that aggressive at feeding time.  the other is twice as big and both are doing very well.

