Re: Green Spotted Puffer Diary of sorts.
Stick to brackish for the puffer, marine tanks can be quite difficult and costly, especially in such a small tank. The costs manifest themselves in increased equipment failure due to salt creep and corosion, in costly additives for the water, and in a whole different set of meds for the marine pests. With smaller tanks it becomes very difficult to maintain parameters in water quality without having large buckets with prepared change water sitting idly by waiting for you to need them. It's best to use aged water for your water changes as it has had a chance to stabilize and disolve the minerals and salt required. That's why owners of salt nano's have them so sparsely populated, that and of course a 2 gallon tank can't support much anyway, hehe. In short, salt is a pain that if you aren't prepared for can quickly turn you off. As for guppy eaters, get yourself just about any African Cichlid you like and he will be more than happy to relieve you of as many Guppies as you can tolerate to lose.
Stick to brackish for the puffer, marine tanks can be quite difficult and costly, especially in such a small tank. The costs manifest themselves in increased equipment failure due to salt creep and corosion, in costly additives for the water, and in a whole different set of meds for the marine pests. With smaller tanks it becomes very difficult to maintain parameters in water quality without having large buckets with prepared change water sitting idly by waiting for you to need them. It's best to use aged water for your water changes as it has had a chance to stabilize and disolve the minerals and salt required. That's why owners of salt nano's have them so sparsely populated, that and of course a 2 gallon tank can't support much anyway, hehe. In short, salt is a pain that if you aren't prepared for can quickly turn you off. As for guppy eaters, get yourself just about any African Cichlid you like and he will be more than happy to relieve you of as many Guppies as you can tolerate to lose.