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murder mystery in my tank

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  • #16
    Re: murder mystery in my tank- my Platy is now dying

    Help!!!  My little platy that is being picked on is dying.  I was just watching him and he cannot swim. When he tries,  He just kind of floats around in the current struggling and bumping on things.  I had to unplug my filter once cause he was stuck on the intake tube and could not get away.  I don't think he will make it overnight.  He is just sitting on the bottom right now.  I feel terrible, I don't think there is anything I can do for him.  Do you think he is dying from the stress?


    • #17
      Re: murder mystery in my tank

      If you don't have a 5 or 10g isolation tank, you should get one.
      Move the sick or injured fish to isolation as soon as you see a problem
      this quaranteens the sick to protect the others and isolates the injured to keep the others from picking on him.  
      And its cheaper to treat a small tank and easier to do partial water changes.

      Usually by the time you notice the problem, decide what it is and go out and get the meds you need, your fish has run out of time - be prepared -first aid kit
      'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
      He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


      • #18
        Re: murder mystery in my tank

        I just checked on him, he is almost gone.  He was stuck to the filter intake tube again, this time I turned it down until he came off and kept it that way.  He is moving his little pectoral fins (I think that is what they are) but he is not moving his tail.  He is still breathing but laying on his side at the bottom.  When I was at Petsmart yesterday and talking with the fish manager about the snails, they gave me for free a 20 gal set up , everything  I need to move the fish temporarily to treat my tank for the snails.  I wish it was set up and cycled already even though as inexperienced as I am, I would not be able to save him but he would die peacefully.  Now I am thinking, is he dying of stress from the other fish terrorizing him?  Is he starving? I tried to make sure he got food but he would only sit near the bottom and wait for some to drop.  If he got too close to the other platys,  he would be chased away.  Worst of all, do I have some illness in the tank?  I am going to have to read some more.


        • #19
          Re: murder mystery in my tank

          There's really no way of telling. I'm sorry about your platy, though.  :(  When you say that after testing, the water levels are 'good,' what are they? Could you post the results? With that info we might be able to help more.

          So you have decided to treat the tank for the snails? What are you planning to do? And Petsmart gave you a whole 20g setup for free?!?! How did that happen?!
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #20
            Re: murder mystery in my tank

            he was dead this morning.

            I am finding out that my ph may be to high.  How do I lower it?  I want to do it with minimal chemicals.
            I know different fish need different ph levels, but what is a good all around level that most like?

            ammonia 0 ppm
            nitrate 0 ppm
            nitrite 0 ppm
            ph 8.0  
            I just did a water change Saturday.

            I bought some Had-a-snail.  It did not work for me.  Daaa,  Being a novice, I found out that I am supposed to remove the carbon before treating the tank or the copper sulfate will be filtered right out.  The directions said nothing about removing the carbon.
            I am going to wait to try it again until I change the filter since I just put a new one in Saturday.  

            How I got a 20 gal. setup:
            Not knowing anything, I thought I would buy real plants to be natural and all that.  I had no clue about snails as the book that I purchased did not mention them ( I later bought a better book).  I saw one and did not think anything of it, I was at the store and a couple I was talking with told me all about the snails and the problems they were having.  I freaked out and called Petsmart and told the manager on duty that they had snails in their plants.  I did not know at the time how common snails are.  He was not very sympathetic, did not apologize and did not inform me about how they were in most plants.  He could of at least offered me a free bottle of treatment.  Well, I emailed Petsmart corporate and complained about the snails and the manager.  The manager of the fish dept contacted me and asked me to come in and we would talk.  When I went there she had left due to an emergency.  that left me with the manager of the avian dept.  She offered me a clown loach and a $25.00 gift card.  I did not want the loach as it will get way too big for my tank.  She said she could not special order fish and what they currently carry would be all that they have.  She then offered me a 20 gal tank setup, everything but the air pump.  She said to put them in there while I treat my tank.  Plus she gve me the $25.00 gift card.  The fish dept manager called me the following day to see if I was satisfied.  I told her that I had not opened the setup and that I would bring it back if she thought it was too much or if she had another idea.  She said go ahead and keep it or give it away, whatever.  
            I thanked her, she was very nice.  

            Well, now I feel bad because if I do get rid of the snails by using copper sulfate (without the carbon in the filter) I think I will take the tank back anyway.  I can't help it.  My conscience w.   My 6 year old wants me to either set it up or trade it in for a bigger one.  He threw a fit when I told him I may take it back.  

            oh well, enough of the long story.


            • #21
              Re: murder mystery in my tank

              I think your pH is just fine at 8.0. Danios will do well in a large range of pHs, and platies prefer a pH a bit above neutral. Plecos and cories, at least the ones that you have, have been in the aquarium trade for so long I think they will thrive as well.

              Altering the pH is risky and gets to be a pain, unless you have fish that absolutely will not survive in your current conditions. I wouldn't worry about it.  :)

              Your test results are perfect...I'm surprised your nitrates registered 0 ppm, though. If all the other fish in there seem to be doing well, then you might have just gotten a bad batch, if you will.

              As for the tank, I understand your conscience, but it would still be hard for me to give it up!
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #22
                Re: murder mystery in my tank

                If you still want to lower the pH without chemicals use plants.  My water was about 8.0 and with just a few plants, the pH went down to 7.0.  Carbon also will lower the pH, but I would recommend the plants for a more natural way of neutralizing and softening the water.  Also make sure you get the right type as some plants should you choose to have them, as different ones will survive better, grow differently, and require different amounts of light.


                • #23
                  Re: murder mystery in my tank

                  ...Not sure plants actually alter the water chemistry with regard to pH and hardness...
                  "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                  • #24
                    Re: murder mystery in my tank

                    I already have plants in there.


                    • #25
                      Re: murder mystery in my tank

                      I do use pH down during water changes cause my tap water is 8.0  Using the recommended amount it drops it to 7.0.  I add salt and declorinizer, put in an airline to circulate the water for 10-15 min and then siphon the water to my tank.  Carbon air will also lower the pH but other than that you may want to use chemicals.  Some have suggested on here putting a cap full of vinegar in rather than using a store bought chemical.  I personally wouldn't trust that and prefer to spend the $6 on a bottle of pH down.


                      • #26
                        Re: murder mystery in my tank

                        Driftwood, plants, peatmoss, oak leaves or other decaying organic material will lower the pH over time.   But if you want to drop it right now, you need to use something with an acid base.
                        'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                        He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                        • #27
                          Re: murder mystery in my tank

                          I wouldn't use anything to "quick fix" the pH.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #28
                            Re: murder mystery in my tank

                            Thanks, I already have salt in there so, I'll try the ph down if it gets any higher or if I have anymore casualties.   We are still debating about the tank, My 6 year old son is insisting that we keep the tank and wonders why I haven't set it up yet.  I think the the nitrates were 0 ppm possibly because I just did a water change Saturday.  Would it be possibly different if I tested the water from near the bottom?  It can't hurt to try.


                            • #29
                              Re: murder mystery in my tank

                              Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                              I wouldn't use anything to "quick fix" the pH.
                              I agree wholeheartedly. If it ain't broke...

                              Can I ask why you add salt?

                              Using the pH down will not help with casualties...most likely, it will stress the fish out more. Again, I don't think your pH is something to worry about. It's stable, and that's more important.
                              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                              • #30
                                Re: murder mystery in my tank

                                I once purchased a fish that died the next day and then 4 of my other fish died.  I read to add a little aquarium salt just in case the fish brought something in the tank with it (I know, that is where you tell me to keep the 20 gal. and quarantine new fish so that doesn't happen again).  After I put it in there were no other deaths.  They all loved it, I set a little glass dish on the bottom and they were all swimming in it and having a good time.  I also added it because I read that the guppies like a little salt.  I didn't add much.  I do already have a piece of driftwood in there and some plants.  Would it help to add some distilled water when I do water changes?  I really don't want to start using chemicals as I am afraid that I might wake up one morning and they all are dead.

