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  • Snails

    How can you get rid of snails without completly breaking the tank down?
    I heard puffers will eat snails but they are to aggresive for my community tank. Is there another fish that eats snails? Thanks for any advise.
    10 Gallon (emergency tank)
    20 Gallon (emrgency tank)
    58 gallon ( Tetra, Platie, Cory)
    125 Gallon (Ikola)

  • #2
    Originally posted by Enin View Post
    How can you get rid of snails without completly breaking the tank down?
    I heard puffers will eat snails but they are to aggresive for my community tank. Is there another fish that eats snails? Thanks for any advise.
    Depends on the size of your tank and the type of snails. Clown loaches (large tanks only, unless you put them in to eat the snails and take them out while they're still small) and kuhli loaches (can be in tanks as small as 10 gallons) will do a great job on all snails except MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails). If you have larger snails or MTS snails, you can introduce a couple of assassin snails (for almost any size tank) that will take care of the job for you. There are several members on the forum that have assassin snails and can sell them to you.

    Good luck!
    All bleeding stops eventually...


    • #3
      Good morning Bee, MTS can be the biggest pain. Controling them can be a huge problem. I have tried many different ways. Clown Loaches will help, but the MTS will breed so fast that unless u have a tank full of Loaches it is very hard for them (the loaches) to control the MTS. One thing that help me is not to have a common net that is used on more than one tank, and do not move rocks or other ornaments from one tank to the other with out CLEANING the good. If you want to go to the trouble to treat them chemically Coppersafe will work but it takes a while. Be sure to follow the instructions. Good luck![/QUOTE]
      300 W/C Burundi
      210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
      210 F1 Moba
      180 W/C Mpimbwe
      180 F1 Burundi


      • #4
        Not a fish, but id use assassin snails. They eat other snails and they look cool.
        20g mixed reef


        • #5
          Its a 75 gallon tank and the snails seemed to appear from nowhere. Also seems like there are like 100 more everytime i look in there lol. Those snail are crazy fast growing. I will check into the coppersafe. Hopefully I can use it with my fish in there.
          10 Gallon (emergency tank)
          20 Gallon (emrgency tank)
          58 gallon ( Tetra, Platie, Cory)
          125 Gallon (Ikola)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Enin View Post
            Its a 75 gallon tank and the snails seemed to appear from nowhere. Also seems like there are like 100 more everytime i look in there lol. Those snail are crazy fast growing. I will check into the coppersafe. Hopefully I can use it with my fish in there.
            Be sure not to use Coppersafe with the kind of invertebrates you actually want to keep, like shrimp. :) Sometimes it can also negatively affect plants.
            All bleeding stops eventually...


            • #7
              Coppersafe will definitely kill the invertebrates!!!
              300 W/C Burundi
              210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
              210 F1 Moba
              180 W/C Mpimbwe
              180 F1 Burundi


              • #8
                Just add 20 assassins snails and wait a couple of months. I tried all kind of loaches and botias, assassins snails is the way to go.


                • #9
                  What size is your aquarium? If you have room, you could add 5-7 yoyo loaches or tiger botias. Ive seen them destroy a snail population.
                  Thats what we used when I worked for adg.


                  • #10
                    btw other names for these are botia striata and botia lohachata. Used to get them at fish ranch pretty cheap.


                    • #11
                      what i found that helps is cut a bottle water inhalf get some fishing line and sew a net through the plastic of cup to keep fish out of cup and let snail inside of cup.then drop fish pellets in cup place in tank before you go to bed.when you wake up take cup out which will have snails eatting pellets.dump and do can make couple traps one for each side of tank.
                      assassins are cool to.


                      • #12
                        My 75 was overgrown with MTS and with the addition of 10 assasin snails they were all gone in about 2 months. Easy.
                        Professional algae grower


                        • #13
                          gl in your search for getting rid of all the snails.....i sold everthing and started was the only way i had any success without adding snails to eat the snails...if you have snails anything that you use on your tank will carry the baby snails.....filters,siphon hoses i mean really sucks if you get them and i hope the help from others will help you solve your problem....mickey
                          210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming


                          • #14
                            I have some issues with snails,I have 4 nerite snails and some unwanted snails that came with plants I bought,can I remove them without harming my nerite snails?


                            • #15
                              take the snails you want to keep out. treat the tank with coppersafe. after water change you can put them back in...
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

