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New to this website! questions about seachem stability if anyones used it.

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  • New to this website! questions about seachem stability if anyones used it.

    I am currently fishless cycling a 20 gallon tank, it has been almost a week since ive started cycling. I have been fishless cycling, but using stability as an aid. I think ive done this all wrong. I was told you dont need to fishless cycle when you use stability. I initially dosed my tank with 4ppm ammonia to get the cycle going. this has been my log so far....

    Day one
    temp: 85
    pH: off chart
    pH high: 8.4
    ammo: 4ppm
    nitrite: 0
    nitrate: 1.0

    Day 2
    Ammo - 3ppm
    Nitri - .25
    Nitra - 4.0 ppm

    Day 3
    ammo- 2.0
    nitri- .25
    nitra- 5.0

    Day 4
    ammo- 2.0
    nitri- .50
    nitra- 10

    Day 5
    ammo 2
    nitri 5
    nitra 40

    Day 6
    ammo: 1 ppm
    nitra: somewhere between 80-160... it could honestly be 160 or more.. hard to tell it was very very red.
    nitri 5
    (I use API master kit)

    Day 7
    ammo: .50
    nitra: off charts
    nitrate: off charts

    What do you guys recommend I do?

  • #2
    The ammonia was food for the bacteria in the Stability. I would do a massive w/c. Add more ammonia (2ppm) and test tomorrow. Looks like Stability works according to your #'s. You want the ammonia @ 0ppm.Good luck and keep us posted.

    Trophs & Petros ONLY


    • #3
      Welcome! :) Also remember that when your nitrite is high, your nitrate reading is not reliable. When I was cycling my 125g, the nitrite was over 5 ppm and off the chart, and the nitrate was reading at like 160 ppm... the day the nitrite dropped to 0 (and it happened overnight), the nitrate read at 40 ppm only. So I would not test nitrate at all while your nitrite is still high.

      I agree with fshfrk-- massive water change, more stability, and wait it out. If your tap water has at least 0.5-1 ppm of ammonia, which mine does, I would not add any more ammonia. You'll cycle pretty quickly that way (cuz the water changes will add a little ammonia), and when you add fish, just dose with Stability daily for a week to ensure your cycle stays and you have enough bacteria. Worked for me with my Mobas in the big tank.
      All bleeding stops eventually...


      • #4
        + 1 to fshfrk and aquabee.

        I use stability and usually add fish day 2 or 3 and keep dosing as directed. No dead fish.


        • #5
          Agreed. Just don't add fish while your nitrite is that high, even with the Stability. It may take a week or two, but it'll drop. I'm having the same deal right now with my 20 long that I'm cycling.
          All bleeding stops eventually...


          • #6
            Originally posted by aquabee View Post
            Welcome! <img src="" border="0" alt="" title="Smile" smilieid="1" class="inlineimg" /> Also remember that when your nitrite is high, your nitrate reading is not reliable. When I was cycling my 125g, the nitrite was over 5 ppm and off the chart, and the nitrate was reading at like 160 ppm... the day the nitrite dropped to 0 (and it happened overnight), the nitrate read at 40 ppm only. So I would not test nitrate at all while your nitrite is still high.<br />
            <br />
            I agree with fshfrk-- massive water change, more stability, and wait it out. If your tap water has at least 0.5-1 ppm of ammonia, which mine does, I would not add any more ammonia. You'll cycle pretty quickly that way (cuz the water changes will add a little ammonia), and when you add fish, just dose with Stability daily for a week to ensure your cycle stays and you have enough bacteria. Worked for me with my Mobas in the big tank.
            <br />
            <br />

            is 50% good or more? and if you don't mind me asking what should a pwc do ?


            • #7
              You can do up to 80% if you want to. Just don't let your media in your filter or the decor in your tank dry out during the water change. As far as what the water change does... some speculate that very high nitrite actually can stall your cycle, so getting rid of most of it can help complete your cycle. Also, since Houston area tap water has a little ammonia, you actually don't have to add much more. 1-2 ppm is enough to keep your bacteria alive. Once you have 0 ammonia/nitrite and safe levels of nitrate, you can add your fish (slowly and gently) and supplement with Stability to keep your parameters stable during the first week or two, while the tank is still adjusting to your bioload. That's what always works for me. :)
              All bleeding stops eventually...


              • #8
                So last night around 9-10pm I did a 50% pwc and today I tested my water right now (hasn't been 24 hours yet) and these were my results. I did add stability and prime and ammonia at 4ppm after the water change<br />
                <br />
                ammo: 1<br />
                nitrate &amp; nitritie: off charts

                should I do another pwc????


                • #9
                  Ok cool. So at this point, here's what I do: I would stop adding ammonia and do not test nitrate at all until your nitrite is at 0. Do a water change once every 3-4 days until the cycle is done and the nitrite is finally gone. Keep adding Stability as it will help keep your bacteria alive through the cycle... And the waiting begins! Might take a week or two but stay strong! I'm doing the same thing right now. :)
                  PS-- when your nitrite does drop, it is a very quick drop and happens virtually overnight. One day you'll wake up and that test kit will read blue instead of that nasty purple!
                  All bleeding stops eventually...


                  • #10
                    I didn't retest it yesterday so I tested today and this is my results

                    ammo: 0
                    nitrate: 5+
                    nitrite: 160+


                    • #11
                      Same here! I'm only testing nitrite so mine is reading at about 5 ppm.
                      All bleeding stops eventually...


                      • #12
                        hope it cycles soon ;[


                        • #13
                          so my ammo is going to 0 in less than 24 hrs but the nitrites n nitrates are still very high.... probably will do a pwc today since its been 3 days since the last one


                          • #14
                            Remember to shake the stability bottle VERY well; you want a milky looking solution coming out of the bottle. I've used both Stability and Tetra Safestart with excellent results. I added fish on day one with both products and never lost a fish.
                            180 - reef
                            30 - reef


                            • #15
                              so should i stop adding ammonia and just be adding stability? cuz my tank still is the same i keep adding ammonia and it goes down to 0 within 12 hrs or so and nitrites and nitrates are high off the chart... should i just add stability everyday?

