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Fishless cycle, Sky rocket nitrite !!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Raul View Post
    Aquabee, thank you for the tips, so after i added stability and my two 90% water changes i did before, today the nitrites are reading almost 0.5 ppm, so i assume i am very close, I did a nitrate reading and it seems there is still like 0~5 ppm I will assume it might have been the water change and the stability that is helping reduce the nitrate as well and well my plants too.thanks, I am so happy since soon I can get the fish.--Raul.
    You're welcome Raul, just glad it worked out. And yeah, the plants are probably sucking up those nitrates very quickly, depending on what you have. Some algae use up nitrates too.

    What kind of fish are you planning on having? Hopefully that ammonia test worked out for you and you can get them soon! :)
    All bleeding stops eventually...


    • #17
      I am going to get African cichlids, probably mbuna already have the tank with caves and ready for them.

      Well the plants I hope they make it, but knowing AC, plants might not last .

      Going to ultimate fish to get them.


      • #18
        Ok here is an update, I just added the fish and it is great so far, all of the fish are juvies so the tank right now it is over filtered for the load, since i get ---0 Ammonia ---- 0 Nitrites and so far -0 nitrates, I guess STABILITY and the PLANTS are doing their work, plants are growing like crazy so I assume they are eating all the nitrates, ammonia and nitrites.The load is:4 Yellow labs 1 Male 3 Females size average 1.5 inch 4 Kenyi 1.5 inch (i know aggressive so far no problems yet) 1 Male 3 Females size average 1.5 inch 3 lab hongi, (1 make 2 Female) size average 1.5 inch 1 albino pleco size average 1 inch1 synodontis cat fish size average 1.5 inch--Raul.


        • #19
          Pics yo!
          All bleeding stops eventually...


          • #20
            I will, i need a good camera, my point and shoot get all the fish blurry but will try my best.decoration are not that impressive, since it looks more like a plain tank, lack of research on the beginning on the mbuna tank, so I had to improvise with terracotta pots for making it somehow an mbuna tanks with some improvised caves.I am going to start gathering some rocks so in a near future start rearranging the decor.


            • #21
              Sorry for the delay on the photos, but been so busy with work and well with the fish tank been very happy and well have done already a couple of water changes but everything seems very good, trying to see If I add a small eheim 2211 packed only with purigen, I am currenlty using only the small bag and very happy with it.

              here are some pics.IMG_3744.jpgIMG_3745.jpgIMG_3739.jpgIMG_3743.jpg


              • #22
                Great! I'm glad it worked out finally! :)
                All bleeding stops eventually...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Raul View Post
                  Sorry for the delay on the photos, but been so busy with work and well with the fish tank been very happy and well have done already a couple of water changes but everything seems very good, trying to see If I add a small eheim 2211 packed only with purigen, I am currenlty using only the small bag and very happy with it.

                  here are some pics.[ATTACH=CONFIG]8698[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]8699[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]8700[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]8697[/ATTACH]
                  Hey how are your fish doing I'm in the same boat on my 13th day of fishless cycle and have sky rocket nitrites and about 5.0 nitrates I just wanted to know if you were able to keep your biofiltration load using the stability route I'm about to stop dosing the tank with ammonia

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