i think ive figured out why eheim are successful in biological filtration. 1) the intake is at the bottom and the return is on the top,
therefore the water must move through all the media. (other canisters have intake and return on top). 2) the return line is always
significantly smaller than the intake, so i guess the water has to sit in the media longer compared to other canister filters. Â simple
things here and there that make eheim so effective for biological filtration. Â these are all my assumptions. i havent tested
anything. Â its just something i noticed since i just started using eheim filters.
therefore the water must move through all the media. (other canisters have intake and return on top). 2) the return line is always
significantly smaller than the intake, so i guess the water has to sit in the media longer compared to other canister filters. Â simple
things here and there that make eheim so effective for biological filtration. Â these are all my assumptions. i havent tested
anything. Â its just something i noticed since i just started using eheim filters.