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Adding tall grass

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  • Adding tall grass

    Ok I was planning on adding some tall grass to my tank and was wondering,if that,will work out well,for my tropheus...
    Out of the hobby for now..

  • #2
    No harm in trying...they may sample it quite heavily, though. I'd start with a few Vals and see how they do. They're fast-growing and hardy, so depending on how hungry the Trophs are, you might be able to grow a few. I've heard they keep them pretty short, though, if they're right there to chew on! )
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Lol...ok...but does it do.any good with water as nitrates go...
      Out of the hobby for now..


      • #4
        Definitely, but with Trophs, water changes are still the best.
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


        • #5
          Ofcourse im doing wc every week but see I want to add a lil color too the tank I have lpfs and black,rocks so sone green wouldnt hurt...
          Out of the hobby for now..


          • #6
            There's always the options of various Anubius and Java Fern plants, as well as Vals as already suggested. You can also check other plants, such as Cryptocoryne balansae and Cryptocoryne wendtii. If you can use rocks to prevent them from being dug up, they should be able to grow in your setup. There are different types of aquatic Crinum (a type of onion plant) that might work, but they need bright light so I wouldn't normally suggest them.

            • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
            • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
            • 29g Planted - Journal
            • 29g Planted
            • 5g Planted RCS


            • #7
              I tried vals and anubias with my thops... No luck here.


              • #8
                If Anubias didn't work, then I wouldn't try anything else. Anubias not only have very tough leaves, but they don't taste good so fish tend to leave them alone.

                Even though I have several planted tanks and hate the way fake plants look in a tank, I finally gave up and went with plastic plants in my cichlid tank. It just wasn't worth the bother to try to keep the plants going in that tank. Even if the fish didn't eat the plants, they'd bite at them, making them look ratty and throwing plant debris all over the tank. Plants that did make it eventually got rooted up with the digging, and I didn't feel I could properly grow the plants with the water conditions of the tank.

                There are some really nice looking silk plants out there if you look hard enough. I'm going to look for some plastic grassy plants from Garden Ridge for my 90g tank. I think if the overall look is pleasing to you, then the actual plant material won't matter as much.

                • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                • 29g Planted - Journal
                • 29g Planted
                • 5g Planted RCS

