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Help!!! My fish are bobbing at the top of the tank trying to breathe

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  • Help!!! My fish are bobbing at the top of the tank trying to breathe

    Please help, found my fish bobbing near the top yesterday evening... The filter was not running.. I fixed it and did a water change but now more fish are bobbing near the top trying to breathe... Please help

    call or text 713.303.2975 located in the heights if anyone is available

  • #2
    Probably low oxygen - take out a good 1" of water and see if they settle down


    • #3
      What kind of filter do you have on the tank? Any idea how long the filter wasn't running? How large was the water change (10%, 20%, 50%)?

      I'd do another 50% water change, taking care that the temp of the new water matches what's in the tank. Depending on the kind of filter you have and how long it wasn't running, it's possible some anaerobic bacteria formed which got spit out into the water when it started back up again. Another water change will help.

      • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
      • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
      • 29g Planted - Journal
      • 29g Planted
      • 5g Planted RCS


      • #4
        If you have a power head to put in the tank, do it. If you don't, just use something to agitate the water. You can even get a cup and scoop out water and pour it back in a few times (from a few inches above the water surface). Get the water moving to add oxygen.
        Our Fishhouse
        Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


        • #5

          On everything above.... plus.... just as a precaution....check to make sure your heater is still functioning correctly . A heater can get stuck in the "on" position and over heat your tank.....thus robbing it of oxygen . An already low oxygen tank plus a malfunctioning heater can be disasterous . This may not be the case.....but it can't hurt to check .


          • #6
            Looks like you got good advice to get you back on track.

            Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk
            300g - Petrochromis Texas "Red Fin" Longola, Petrochromis Red Bulu, Tropheus Red Rainbow Kansanga.


            • #7
              How are the fish, did they come out ok?
              DOWNSTAIRS display tanks:
              20g - 1 yellow Glowfish, 1 long-fin Danio and 3 Cherry Barbs
              37g - 3 Zebra Danios, 5 Red Serpae Tetras, Dwarf Flame Gourami and Red Tail Shark
              10g - single male Betta (daughters responsibility)
              UPSTAIRS research/quarantine tanks:
              10g - mosquitofish tank awaiting rebuild
              20g - heavily fake planted housing 8 Dwarf Gourami RIP Blue, Flame and unnamed
              20g - empty tank with beautiful black Tahitian moon sand
              10g - hospital sterilized and dry :-)
              5.5g - fry tank with mosquitofish born 1 Mar 2012

