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Painful Lesson Learned

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  • Painful Lesson Learned

    I'll share this unpleasant event with you all to hopefully keep the same thing from happening to one or two of you folks out there.
    Today I was clearing out the Brichardi Tank in preparation for giving some of the fry away, and I unfortunately killed maybe as many as 25% of the babies.

    After removing the rocks, plants and other decorative items, I began to level the substrate out in order to see the fry more clearly for their capture later on this morning, I am giving some away to Hanson, and maybe a couple other members today if they call or contact me.

    Anyway, when moving the substrate, I did not realize that some of the fry where hiding on the bottom and where not moving. Although I moved the substrate very slowly around the tank, I inadvertantly covered up about 50 fry or better.

    I only realized this after noticing the adult brichardi frantically moving gravel to uncover their young. I felt terrible about this incident of course, but all I can do now is chalk it up to a learning experience and not make the same mistake again.


    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.

  • #2
    Re: Painful Lesson Learned

    Sorry to hear that CF ... good that you shared so others can learn from this too...
    125G African Cichlids
    90G Community
    40G FOWLR Saltwater


    • #3
      Re: Painful Lesson Learned

      Sorry for the little ones early demise.  The next time if you see the fry gathered together you might try syphoning the little darlings into another container if you are ready to remove them.  It's sometimes easier to chase the little stinkers with a good size syphon hose than it is to try and chase them around the tank with a net.  Much easier on your plants and decorations as well.  Of course, this is all relative to the size of the fry and the size of the hose you have available.  I have used this method on small angelfish fish fry with no ill effect. If this won't work with the fry you have, maybe someone else will come along with another suggestion.
      Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


      • #4
        Re: Painful Lesson Learned

        Well, as I was telling another member of the box tonight, my "frycide" was taken in stride if you will by the Cedar Point Gang. They must of had other eggs ready to hatch or got busy real fast, because now, there are 3 seperate broods of newborn fry in the tank already.

        I'm beginning to wonder if there might be something in that NLS besides protein, fat, & fiber ?  

        I feel much better now after seeing all these new babies in the tank, and the Adults seem a bit friendlier too for some reason, they always where fiesty after a good water change.

        Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


        • #5
          Re: Painful Lesson Learned

          you are a very good fish daddy sweety......all babies should have someone that cares as much as you do......



          • #6
            Re: Painful Lesson Learned

            NLS -- that is great food, first ingrediant Krill

