This subject keeps poping up all over the fishbox so I just figured we should have one place to go to cuss & discuss it.
nitrogen cycle (thanks for the link Zulaab
I just love the way this graph peaks out the amonia at 2 weeks and the nitrites at 4 weeks.
I understand that the chlorine and clorimenes kill off all these bacteria in our drinking water.
The organic waistes breakdown into ammonia -
Does this happen without the aid of bacteria ?
IF bacteria is in a new tank before the fish are added will it die without and waste products ?
Or will adding bacteria cause the waste products to break down faster causing a higer ammonia peak ?
Will less fish waists result in less ammonia being produced and the ammonia spike to be delayed ?
The ammonia is converted to nitrites
Will starting with only a few fish reduce the amount of amonia available and lengenthen the time it takes th cycle the tank ?
IF bacteria is in a new tank before the ammonia is present will it die out before it can make nitrites?
Will starting with a source of bacteria cause the ammonia to breakdown sooner and reduce the size of the nitriogen peak
or reduce the time it takes to peak ?
The nitrites are converted to nitrates.
Will starting with only a few fish reduce the amount of nitrites available and lengenthen the time it takes th cycle the tank ?
IF bacteria is in a new tank before the nitrites are created will it dieout before it can make nitrates ?
Will starting with a source of bacteria cause the nitrites to breakdown sooner and reduce the size of the nitrite peak
or reduce the time it takes to peak ?
nitrogen cycle (thanks for the link Zulaab
I just love the way this graph peaks out the amonia at 2 weeks and the nitrites at 4 weeks.
I understand that the chlorine and clorimenes kill off all these bacteria in our drinking water.
The organic waistes breakdown into ammonia -
Does this happen without the aid of bacteria ?
IF bacteria is in a new tank before the fish are added will it die without and waste products ?
Or will adding bacteria cause the waste products to break down faster causing a higer ammonia peak ?
Will less fish waists result in less ammonia being produced and the ammonia spike to be delayed ?
The ammonia is converted to nitrites
Will starting with only a few fish reduce the amount of amonia available and lengenthen the time it takes th cycle the tank ?
IF bacteria is in a new tank before the ammonia is present will it die out before it can make nitrites?
Will starting with a source of bacteria cause the ammonia to breakdown sooner and reduce the size of the nitriogen peak
or reduce the time it takes to peak ?
The nitrites are converted to nitrates.
Will starting with only a few fish reduce the amount of nitrites available and lengenthen the time it takes th cycle the tank ?
IF bacteria is in a new tank before the nitrites are created will it dieout before it can make nitrates ?
Will starting with a source of bacteria cause the nitrites to breakdown sooner and reduce the size of the nitrite peak
or reduce the time it takes to peak ?