i have a new aquarium going through cycling, this is the 6th day, right now the ammonia reading is zero, the nitrite reading is .75, ph is 7.6 (houston galleria tap water), anyway, i have several tetras (5 glowlight, 2 black neon, 2 cardinals), i know they are schooling and i will add more once cycling is done, i have a 30 gal tall acrylic tank and my substrate is EC and i have added several live plants and want to grow them
given all this, does adding aquarium salt help the fish/plants? if so, should i dissolve it first in a cup and then add?
please advise me on general aquarium salt usage for tanks
given i have tetras and plan on adding more when cycle is complete, should i not worry, i also plan to get german rams several months later once my tank is well established and the plants are growing well, will salt affect rams?
given all this, does adding aquarium salt help the fish/plants? if so, should i dissolve it first in a cup and then add?
please advise me on general aquarium salt usage for tanks
given i have tetras and plan on adding more when cycle is complete, should i not worry, i also plan to get german rams several months later once my tank is well established and the plants are growing well, will salt affect rams?