well, as some of you might know from my other posts, i have 3 otto's now, when they first came into my tank last week, they had enough algae to eat, now i feel like they are not finding as much algae (it might be my imagination), either way, i want to make sure they are not starving because i noticed they don't take any of the flake/pellet/dried bloodworm that my other fish gobble up like there is no tomorrow, so the question is, what else can i give my ottos so that they don't starve, i have read some about algae wafers and lettuce
so if i buy some algae wafers, will they find them if i drop them anywhere in the tank or do i have to do something specific to get them to find it?
if i do lettuce, do i just chop up a few pieces and drop them in the tank? Â
Ek, you have talked about NLS foods in general in some other thread, where can i find them and where are they the cheapest, i don't have that much fish, so i don't need a whole lot, just small amounts
so if i buy some algae wafers, will they find them if i drop them anywhere in the tank or do i have to do something specific to get them to find it?
if i do lettuce, do i just chop up a few pieces and drop them in the tank? Â
Ek, you have talked about NLS foods in general in some other thread, where can i find them and where are they the cheapest, i don't have that much fish, so i don't need a whole lot, just small amounts