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Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

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  • #16
    Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

    You guys are starting to really make me consider videotaping this!  It could be used purely for entertainment...OR what NOT to do...OR crime scene evidence!   OR all of the above!!  
    Our Fishhouse
    Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


    • #17
      Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

          Crime scene evidence! That was great!!!

      For real though, videotape it!!! I wanna see this monster fish and how it doesn't like being caught!! Maybe you can try my method!! If all else fails...use heavy rocks!! LOL!



      • #18
        Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

        Just chase him into a plastic 2Qt. pouring pitcher and grab hold of his tail so he don't B?tch slap you while transferring to the other tank.   :)



        • #19
          Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

          Ahhh!!  The infamous RRocket with the "monster plecos"!?  You say that as though it comes from personal experience!  
          Our Fishhouse
          Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


          • #20
            Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

            2 Qt for 22 inches??? Maybe a five gallon! I wanna see pictures of this fish!!!



            • #21
              Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

              If it's just for transporting from one tank to another in your home I would go with a bucket.....just persuade it into it then swing the bucket to the other tank.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #22
                Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                for real please do video tape it......we can show it at the upcoming GHAC meeting at mike's on the 19th....we would love it.....oh by the way your more than welcome to come and join our newly formed's great already....and the more the merrier.....


                • #23
                  Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                  When I had to catch one of my pond Koi (who's about 12") - I used one of those "Bookshelf Aquariums" that Petco sells.  It's about 24" long, and 8" front to back and not very tall.  

                  Since it's clear, once it was in the water my fish didn't see it and pretty much swam right between where I was holding it in the pond, and the pond wall, where I just "scooped" and got him out.  He was pretty calm about the whole thing, and once I finished checking/treating the odd scratch marks that were on him, I just released him back into the pond.  

                  One of those likely isn't wide or tall enough for your cat, but it may give you another idea.

                  I think I would try draining the tank down a bunch then using a drum liner bag (maybe 2, inside each other), perhaps cut in half so it's not so tall and working it underneath him.  then just lift the whole bag, relocate and release into his new home.  be prepared for some wild wiggling though! - Extra hands would help.
                  The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                  Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                  • #24
                    Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                    Thank you all so much for the feedback and ideas.  Now we have several options in case one option doesn't work.  And just in case we can't video it...I'm posting a picture of Hoover.  I'm not sure you'll be able to appreciate his size from this picture...or maybe I'm just so used to looking at him.'s Hoover!!

                    **removing pic to free up space**
                    Our Fishhouse
                    Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                    • #25
                      Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                      hoover is quite an impressive cat you have there geek.....very cool....mike has a bigun at his store has a mouth that could pass as a time portal's huge.....


                      • #26
                        Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                        Hoover! Great name for a giraffe cat!!! It really fits because of the way they eat!!! He is an awesome looking fish! That's too cool!!



                        • #27
                          Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                          We did it!  Couldn't wait for the weekend so we just sucked it up and set up the 210 tonight.  Hoover is moved!  However, it was incredibly painful and we are exhausted.  The bucket didn't work, he went in and then started flailing around so much that my husband couldn't hold onto the container.  Hoover escaped and knocked his nose on something...nice little cut.  Then we tried a towel...which in turn let to a pillowcase.  That actually worked the best.  He was supported and couldn't whack himself on anything.  I may have some photos of the struggle, but it happened so fast, who knows what I got.  I'll check later and post something if I've got it.  Thanks to everyone for the advice and ideas!  

                          RRocket - my husband got officially b#tchslapped by Hoover.  hehe
                          Our Fishhouse
                          Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                          • #28
                            Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                            change that TV channel -  Hoover has been watching too much ultimate fighting  LOL
                            "There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing."
                            "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. "
                            -Dead Man's Chest


                            • #29
                              Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                              congrats on a job well done there i sure hope you got shots of know i know....morbid curiosity at somebody else's hard!!!!!......just kidding.....but i'm glad he's not too worse for the task that he went thru........hope you decide for you and your hubby to attend the GHAC meeting next friday?....we would love to meet you both.....



                              • #30
                                Re: Moving a LARGE giraffe cat

                                LMAO!  I'm your husband has been slapped that way before...

                                Good idea using the pillow case.  


