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LFS on 45 South

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  • LFS on 45 South

    I have to go to Texas City next thursday. Are there any LFS off I-45 south?

  • #2
    210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
    125g Mdoka White Lip

    "Success is the willingness to fail"


    • #3
      All About Fish, just north of Fuqua


      • #4
        There's pets place, new location across the road from sanjac. Not really to much livestock in tanks yet(at least the other day). Jungle jims in the old outlet mall shopping center in Texas city. Fish an pets ranch behind almeda mall. Most of the time a fairly descent selection.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ruston123fishing View Post
          There's pets place, new location across the road from sanjac. Not really to much livestock in tanks yet(at least the other day). Jungle jims in the old outlet mall shopping center in Texas city. Fish an pets ranch behind almeda mall. Most of the time a fairly descent selection.


          • #6
            Aqua zoo in their new location is a greatly improved operation. Prosper has a lot of parts and a good selection of wood and such.


            • #7
              i might have to make it out to the new aquazoo... i havent seen it yet. there is also rainforest pets off 518. not a huge fish collection but they usuall have a few odd ball fish and some cool reptiles


              • #8
                You guys call them LFS for local fish store right? Does that mean you guys like don't support corporate stores like Petsmart or petco?


                • #9
                  LFS does stand for local fish store. Most of us (well at least me) try to support our LFS. I do however visit big box stores like Petsmart or Petco every once in a while. It's just that LFS have a larger variety for much better prices. Not only that, many of them will take special orders


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                    LFS does stand for local fish store. Most of us (well at least me) try to support our LFS. I do however visit big box stores like Petsmart or Petco every once in a while. It's just that LFS have a larger variety for much better prices. Not only that, many of them will take special orders
                    +1. Way better selection of fish, and basically everything related to the hobby.


                    • #11
                      Oh alright thanks that clears it up thank you!

