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Freshwater for the Kids! Build

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  • Freshwater for the Kids! Build

    So I want to start a 75g freashwater build for my kids.
    All of my past exp and research has been with saltwater, which was a long time ago.
    This build will mostly take a couple of months to get going but i wanted to start with a foundation and track my progress here.

    So far i only have the tank (75g) and i have been researching lights and building a wet/dry sump. Other that, thats about how far i have gotten. I am very interested in hearing about other folks setups.
    I would like to have live plants and a fairly good cleaning crew. When it comes to fish i havent really made any choices.

    I would love to hear suggestions and ideas to get a good way to start.
    Thanks for viewing and i hope to make my kids happy with this build, even though i will be doing all the work. Lol

  • #2
    I think a community tank would be a nice relaxing tank. A large fish like angels or something, with tetras, rasporas, and cory cats. The corys rasporas and tetras school which is nice.


    • #3
      I agree. a 75g is a good community tank. As for wet/dry? A big canister is easier.
      You could stock with angels small geo.s and lots of colorful tetras.
      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


      • #4
        I'm starting out my 75 gallon. Getting the tank delivered tomorrow.
        Thinking about some angelfish, tetras and Cory to help with the cycle.

        What type of filter are you planning on using ?

        Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


        • #5
          Usually most the fish you use to cycle a tank die... so I wouldn't use good fish. Maybe rosies or gubbies. But not angles and corys


          • #6
            A 2217 is a good filter for a 75 gallon community tank...


            • #7
              +1 on the ease of canisters. Plants are very doable in a low tech setup and dvelop solid growth, just avoid stems and you'll be good until you develop what you like. A used 48" T5 or PC fixture with 10,000K or 6,500K bulbs will be fine and seen quite often used on here. I'd stick with something 150watts or less to avoid algae problems that might come from running the photoperiod too long. 2 watts per gallon or under. I can say T5 gets better penetration in depths, so that would be my suggested route. PFS (pool filter sand) and black beauty (black blasting sand) are the cheapest routes and do fine for our low tech (no CO2) planted tanks. Just supplement with root tabs and you'll be golden in that regard. Add some nice driftwood and stone for your hardscape. For clean up crews, I'd suggest Amano shrimp, bristlenose plecos and some otocinclus (or Siamese algae eaters) as all would work well and leave nearly everything alone in the tank regardless of size. Choose some upper tank species (Danios or hatchetfish), some good schooling mid-dwelling fish (tetras or rasboras) and some intermediate species (maybe curviceps or pearl gouramis) and that would leave you a solid tank with room for a handful of oddballs that your kids can help pick out. Corydoras, banjo catfish, glass catfish, or whatever else catches their eye. You would have to avoid larger, more aggressive fish, but nearly any store should yield options for a community based tank like that and careful selection can curb any aggression in the tank.
              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
              Desiderius Erasmus
              GHAC President


              • #8
                Thanks for the support and ideas.
                Could of questions:
                1. Why Canisters, are they easier to clean? Why not something like a sump/refug or HOB (sorry was thinking saltwater... Wet/Dry Sump w/ bioballs)? Or do people mix filters? Just asking.

                2. Lights: Why do people not use LED's in freshwater? Also I was looking at this (48 Inch 4x65 Watt AquaticLife PowerCompact CF Light Fixture w/ 4 Lunar LEDs... But it looks like it is discontinued. I would love something similar to it.

                3. Sand or Pebbles? I am thinking white sand but nothing to fine.
                Last edited by AHP; 06-04-2013, 09:28 AM.


                • #9
                  Thanks. I'm thinking of the ehim 600. The lfs mentioned using the corys to cycle, then adding the others.

                  Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


                  • #10
                    canisters are more low maintenance and never need media replaced in them, like with a hob. Most people don't use leds on freshwater tanks because they are expensive and freshwater isn't as touchy as far as temperature goes like with a saltwater tank. I prefer sand because debris settles on top and make the tank easier to clean. Most people use Leslies pool filter sand for their tanks. It a little yellow but is large grain and very nice.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jeb102385 View Post
                      canisters are more low maintenance and never need media replaced in them, like with a hob. Most people don't use leds on freshwater tanks because they are expensive and freshwater isn't as touchy as far as temperature goes like with a saltwater tank. I prefer sand because debris settles on top and make the tank easier to clean. Most people use Leslies pool filter sand for their tanks. It a little yellow but is large grain and very nice.
                      Ahh great thanks. Looks like I need to read up a bit on canisters


                      • #12
                        I am running LEDs and a fuge on my discus tank. Also have a fluidized sand reactor too.
                        Resident fish bum
                        330G FOWLR
                        34G Reef
                        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                        Treasurer, GHAC


                        • #13
                          Eheim's are the best canisters in my opinion.. I have 3 and love them! they are easy to clean and if they have quick disconnect, even better. Pool sand is awesome! I use it in my tanks and I love it. Easy to clean with the syphon/vacuum hose. I had rock in the past and it is messy and debris gets down in it and YUCK!. Poll sand is also MUCH cheaper than the "aquarium sand: at the FLS.


                          • #14
                            Eheims are the best, fluvals are alright, magnum makes an ok one. But the eheims outproform the rest by far. I have a friend that has a 2217 for sale, if your interested pm me and I can give you his number.


                            • #15
                              Thanks everyone on the info about filters.

                              Next, Lights! I have always had a thing for LED’s I guess because they are smaller, less expensive in the long run and cheaper on energy costs. If I am wrong please let me know.

                              I would like to find something that I can use for freshwater and saltwater if I decide in a couple of years to do saltwater again. The ones I have been researching have either been discontinued or they want over a 1k. Ideally I would like something that has a dimmer and/or timer but also something that can simulate sunrise and sunset. I never knew this feature existed until 6 months ago, very wicked!
                              I was thinking 2 24’ so I can move them around if need be for my 75g.

                              So I went looking around and came across “Build My LED”, it seems nice and has some good reviews but I also do not have the detail nor understanding yet about parameters when it comes to whites and colors.

                              I know a lot of people say you can DYI this but I am not very good with soldering and wiring. I love DYI stuff but I wouldn’t want to mess this up, maybe I could try this at a later date.
                              Onto Brand names, does anyone prefer particular brands because they feel they last long and produce a better product? I would love to hear about this.

                              Thanks again for all the help and soon I will get some pictures up. LOL basically right now it’s an empty glass tank, not much to see.

