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nitrite spike

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  • nitrite spike

    Ok it has now been 12.5 days and my amonia levels are at zero... I have double test to make sure... but the nitrite levels are way high.... in the darkest area.... I am using the liquid test kit, and double  check with test strip.
    so I did a 20 gallon water change on both tanks.. 60 gal & 50 gal tanks    I check the nitite levels again, still high.. I am talking almost no color change in the test..... I thought that to be odd.... so I thought I would check this morn,   still the same... I tested the water,  this is the water I am replacing (the fresh water out of the tap) after I de-chlorinate I tested it and it shows medium nitrite levels in it...... So, I am worried ..... or concerned.... I know there is a nitrite spike, and this will come down.... but is it norm for it to be in the tap water... and if so how do you remove it from there so not to put it into your tank?

    and I do have some fish.... I am SURE too many,  wife insist on buying the fish, and It's easier to blame her (even though I want the fish too..LOL)
    so the 60 I have now... 1 gold small gourmis, 2 medium tinfoils, and 4 tiger barbs (and about 6 feeder guppies)
    the 50 I do not know, but there is about 16 small fish of all kinds... like 2 of everything she thinks is cute.

    also, my tinfoils hang out behnd the rocks (hiding) where they used to play in the open.. I am guessing they are stressed and just trying to survive..... any thoughts?  I have noticed the gouramis now hides in the boat also..... are they afraid of the tiger barbs?  surely not...
    Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...

  • #2
    Re: nitrite spike

    The bacteria that convert NO2 to NO3 take time too... if you are ammonia is at 0 then your cycling is basically done.   You want to give it a few more days for the NO2 to go down too.   Once most of your water is NO3 then you can call the cycle complete.
    Time will tell

    -- I would be looking to put some more fish in your tank this weekend :)  Not a ton more.. but a few more... give it to the next weekend and then you can add some more again :)


    What fish do Jesper have
    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
    58 S. Decorus

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


    • #3
      Re: nitrite spike

      I'd not add fish until all the nitrites are gone.

      Your fish are probably acting differently because they're stressed out.  :(

      That's not good that you tap water has nitrites...just in case, could you test it without dechlorinating first? I dont' know if that would make a difference, it shouldn't, but just to cover all the bases. I've heard that Houston sometimes goes through cycles of having nitrites in the tap water. But since you're still cycling, it can be particularly frustrating.

      If you can change any of the water out and replace it with store-bought water, that might help a little. But I would ease up on the water changes for a little while, until the nitrite goes down (due to the presence of nitrate). Apparently fish aren't AS sensitive to nitrates as they are to nitrites, and having no nitrites and high nitrates would be preferable to having both.
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #4
        Re: nitrite spike

        I find it pretty irresponsible to add so many fish to a tank that can top the charts on nitrite.

        But since you are in it already just play the waiting game.....then deal with the really high nitrAtes you will have in the end if nitrItes are that high. I wouldn't change any more water since your source has nitrItes in it till your beneficial bacteria is up to speed and can handle it.

        Also cut back on feeding.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: nitrite spike

          thanks for the response... Eklikewhoa...... Irresponsible.. not the word I was hoping to see from anyone... Yet I have been warned and told not to.... BUT, I get conflicting answers from everyone and I made decissions based on the knowledge of others. And my wife said she used to have fish before she met me and never did any of the stuff I am stressing out over. She claims they never did water changes and never tested the water and when they changed the water, they actually changed the water.. and cleaned everything and refilled it and everything was just fine...... So I kinda sorta leaned her way, even though I now have 2 weeks worth of forums advise, read books, talk to the fish stores, and people who all claim to be successfull with fish.... I felt like I was the odd ball by worring so much. I am the one who is draining the tank and carring water from the bathroom thru the house and making the mess... Irresponsible.. a hard word, lack of experience , more fitting. I do not want these fish to die....... I have now been informed to not do anything at all.. no test, no water change, and barely feed them for 2 weeks.....At this point I just do not know who or what to believe.... I joined this forum for ADVISE & FELLOWSHIP. I was told that this was the best there is. and I believe it. I hope not to step on any toes here. My lack of experience and my failure in some actions I hope will only make me learn ( the hard way). I am doing the best I know how at this point...I still look for advise and I am learning soemthing new everyday...... thanks again to everone who has taken an interest in the "New Guy" I do appreciate everything and all the advise..... thanks and I will keep you updated..... Cope.

          I am not upset with EK as this post might imply... I just wanted to explain my actions....... thanks again..
          Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


          • #6
            Re: nitrite spike

            don't pay any attention to ek's reteric.....he's knowledgable on alot of things except proper people skills....
            look cope....your not the first and certainly won't be the last to have issues when putting up his phewy on alot of conflicting advice....
            don't add anything more to your tank until you get the water under control.....let the fishies in there just adapt to the tank the way it is now.....let the bacteria catch up .....
            and most important.....enjoy the hobby .....addiction.....don't stress so doesn't fix anything...only causes you stomach pains and premature grey hairs.....


            • #7
              Re: nitrite spike

              Wasn't trying to be hard on anyone but your initial post has comments in which show you know what is wrong but doing it anyways.

              I see it as irresponsible in a way...

              Regardless though....lots of comments on the internet can and will be taken which ever way you wanna see it since there is no emotion behind it.

              As for all the different ways of taking care of your problem....there are tons of different approaches to it!
              You can do daily small water changes to keep it cycling prolonging it a bit but keeping it somewhat livable for the inhabitants or you could just mark it off as a learning experience and let it do what it has to do.

              As for people skills.....I don't beat around the bush. I won't tell you something looks good to me if it doesn't, I will not say it will be good when it will not be, I will not tell you it will work unless I am almost positive it will work.

              I'm surprised no one has suggested for cope to remove or return the fish till the tank fully cycles....maybe I missed it in one of the other threads.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                Re: nitrite spike

          so I ran across this on you tube.... is this what I should be looking for my tank to do? .... I really do not think so, but found this interesting. and there is always the possiblity that yes this is what cycling looks like, as I have never experienced it... maybe this is saltwater....  I am not doing anything to it for a while.... Oh and one of my tinfoils jumped out of the tank today... found him to late..
                Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


                • #9
                  Re: nitrite spike

                  thought I would put up a picture...
                  Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


                  • #10
                    Re: nitrite spike

                    that video is a saltwater tank....and no your freshwater tank will not look like that.....not at all......
                    what part of town do you live in?
                    oh and that's a very nice tank you have....thanks for sharing the picture with us.....


                    • #11
                      Re: nitrite spike

                      I like the tanks decor, nice job, a tad bit cluddered perhaps, but still nice looking.

                      The ship is cool.

                      Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                      • #12
                        Re: nitrite spike

                   found this   and it is very good on the explanation...   yes the tank looks cluttered and I will prob take some out as I view more tanks a get my ideas.... I put all that stuff so they could have places to hide... I eventuall will buil some sort of rock tower with holes and places for them to occupy... I am telling you guys I am researching my brains out...
                        Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...


                        • #13
                          Re: nitrite spike

                          looks like your definately doing your homework there cope......keep up the good work.....


                          • #14
                            Re: nitrite spike

                            With all that researching you're doing, pretty soon, we'll be asking you the questions..... :)

                            Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                            • #15
                              Re: nitrite spike

                              yes, and I think I am starting to get it on the cycling... at just 12 days I do not think I have even seen the amonia spike yet... I think I have done so many water changes that I have actually delayed that part ofthe spike..... not sure as to why the nitrites would be showing so high..becasue there is not enuff amonia to allow the bacteria to produce the nitrite.... Research continues... and I also think I have realized the meaning of new tank syndrome also.... I find this whole thing very interesting and challenging.... but it is a ton of fun...
                              Had about 900 gallons now I am tired and selling them off...

