We keep hearing the popular saying "There is no such thing as over-filtration"
olicy:. Is that a true statement? I'm an OVER-FILTRATION guy myself, but I want to hear your opinion on this topic once and for all.
IMHO, a good filtration system is a system where there is a balance of good bacteria colonies (demand) and the amount of waste/food (supply) produced by the aquarium. Basically it is a supply and demand curves, and these curves always have to cross somewhere, or there will be dead fish.
At any time this balance is upset, the system will try to correct itself. If there is not enough food, bac colonies will be starving and will die off or reduce their size to balance with the food supply. On the contrary, if there is not enough bac to consume the food, the water quality will be shizty for a while, and bac colony will doublicate to the size that they need to consume the food.
The filter manufacturers got to factor this into their design. Filters are rated for maximum aquarium size. There is different size of filters for different size of aquariums. They have to account for maximum waste an aquarium can produce given a reasonable stocking. Reasonable stocking is the key word.
Therefore, I think you really need over-filtration when you over-crowding your tank. If your stocking is reasonable and not overly crowded, over-filtration equal over-spending and probably a waste of money. For example, I visited RonR moba "factory" in Houston. His tank size is 180G housing about 10 adult moba size from 8"-12". His filtration system includes 2 Eheim 2217, 2 wavemakers and couple of air pumps. Most of us know Ron's moba breed like rabbits. His moba are obviously very happy I guess. Most of us would put 2 Eheim 2262 plus a sump and couple of AC110 on it right?
So, my question for you: is over-filtration over-rated? Please share your experience. Thanks.

IMHO, a good filtration system is a system where there is a balance of good bacteria colonies (demand) and the amount of waste/food (supply) produced by the aquarium. Basically it is a supply and demand curves, and these curves always have to cross somewhere, or there will be dead fish.
At any time this balance is upset, the system will try to correct itself. If there is not enough food, bac colonies will be starving and will die off or reduce their size to balance with the food supply. On the contrary, if there is not enough bac to consume the food, the water quality will be shizty for a while, and bac colony will doublicate to the size that they need to consume the food.
The filter manufacturers got to factor this into their design. Filters are rated for maximum aquarium size. There is different size of filters for different size of aquariums. They have to account for maximum waste an aquarium can produce given a reasonable stocking. Reasonable stocking is the key word.
Therefore, I think you really need over-filtration when you over-crowding your tank. If your stocking is reasonable and not overly crowded, over-filtration equal over-spending and probably a waste of money. For example, I visited RonR moba "factory" in Houston. His tank size is 180G housing about 10 adult moba size from 8"-12". His filtration system includes 2 Eheim 2217, 2 wavemakers and couple of air pumps. Most of us know Ron's moba breed like rabbits. His moba are obviously very happy I guess. Most of us would put 2 Eheim 2262 plus a sump and couple of AC110 on it right?
So, my question for you: is over-filtration over-rated? Please share your experience. Thanks.